• Guidance
    Guidance classes begin the week of September 5th. Each class has a guidance lesson once every three weeks for 20 to 45 minutes (depending on the grade level). Guidance lessons include things like role playing, reading and discussing a story, writing/drawing about certain experiences, group games, as well as other activities that allow the children to practice skills in a fun and positive way.   Some of the guidance topics that will be covered this year are:
    *Meet Your School Counselor
    *Age appropriate College and Career Readiness Activites
    *Goal Setting
    *Red Ribbon Week--Celebrating Being Drug Free and Making Good Choices
    *Making and Keeping Friends
    *Working to value uniqueness/differences in ourselves and others
    *Conflict Resolution
    *Communication and Listening Skills
    *Self-awareness and self-control 
    *And more!!