Prekindergarten Registration



    Prekindergarten Screeners

    2024-2025 School Year Screeners are available for qualifying Prekindergarten.

      PreK screener: 3 year oldsPre-K Eligibility Screener

    Student Registration: 2023-2024

    • Families interested in PreK should complete the online verification screener for 4-year-olds or 3-year-olds

    There are seven eligibility requirements. Your child is automatically eligible if they meet one of the following:

    • Qualify for free or reduced lunch
    • Are or were in foster care
    • Are homeless
    • Are unable to speak or understand English
    • Have a parent who is an active duty member of the armed forces
    • Have a parent who was injured or killed while serving on active duty in the armed forces
    • Have a parent who’s won the Star of Texas Award (given to peace officers, firefighters, and emergency medical first responders killed or seriously injured in the line of duty)


    After completing the online verification screener, families can contact their home campus to arrange to have PreK eligibility reviewed and verified.

    • Students must enroll at the campus to which their home address is zoned. Upon determination that bilingual or other services are needed for a student, the student will be enrolled at a campus with the appropriate services. 
    • If you are unsure of your zoned home campus, use the interactive boundary map here.


    Please note: Children must be 3 or 4 years of age on or before Sept. 1, 2023, and meet one additional eligibility criterion: Eligibility-Based Prekindergarten.

    Questions regarding prekindergarten may be emailed to Please get in touch with the campus registrar here for questions regarding registration packets and campus-specific information.