• Pharmacy Services

    PfISD's pharmacy benefit services are provided by Express Scripts and administered by RxBenefits. There are more than 60,000 pharmacies in the Express Scripts network. 

    Employees are issued a separate pharmacy ID card for filling prescriptions, which does not display dependent names. In the event of a lost card, you may download the temporary Express Scripts ID card below. However, to obtain a permanent replacement, individuals must contact RxBenefits at 1-800-334-8134.

    Express Scripts Temporary ID Card

    Click on the link below to find a participating pharmacy, drug look-up, and list of exclusions and alternatives. 

    Express Scripts 

    Some drugs listed on the formulary may not be covered even if listed under the preferred alternative due to the plan exclusions. Exclusions include:

    • Biological, blood products, serums, and Non-ACA immunization agents
    • Cosmetic agents: Anti-wrinkle agents, Pigmenting & De-Pigmenting, Hair growth stimulants and hair removal products
    • Compounded prescriptions
    • Nutritional Supplements
    • Infertility Medications
    • Impotency Medications
    • Prescription Vitamins unless listed above
    • Anabolic Steroids
    • Androgens/Testosterone
    • Anti-obesity/Appetite Suppression Medications
    • Formulary Exclusion List
    • OTC (over-the-counter) Products unless noted above
    • Therapeutic devices or appliances unless listed as a covered product.
    • New-to-market drugs, including line extensions and new strengths until clinically reviewed
    • Medication that is to be taken by or administered to an individual, in whole or in part, while he or she is a patient in a physician’s office, licensed hospital, rest home, sanitarium, extended care facility, convalescent hospital, nursing home or similar institution which operates on its premises, or allows to be operated on its premises, a facility for dispensing pharmaceuticals.
    • Patient assistance programs may not apply to deductible and out-of-pocket accumulations.


    Registering online at www.Express-Scripts.com provides access to a useful tool for reducing prescription costs and saving time.  For assistance, the member services department can be contacted at 1-800-344-8134 or via email at RxHelp@rxbenefits.com during business hours from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm CST, Monday through Friday.

    Client Services: 1-866-769-5987 or email at clientservies@rxbenefits.com