Weiss High School

Pflugerville ISD

WHS Events

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  • Meet The Teacher

    Please join us on Friday, August 9, from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. for Meet the Teacher night!

    -College and career advisors will be on-site to talk about FAFSA and things pertaining to the class of 2025.

    -Food trucks

    -Various clubs and programs will have tables in the main hall showcasing all Weiss offers!

    Please park in the student parking lot and enter at door 32 near the Weiss Performing Arts Center.

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  • Key Reporting Dates

    June 7: Preliminary STAAR EOC results available on the Family & Analytic portal. Each campus should have a plan to notify families. 


    June 12:  Preliminary TELPAS results are available in the Family & Analytic Portal. Each campus should have a plan to notify families.




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  • Food Delivery Policy:
    Due to security adjustments and to allow our front office staff to focus on the main functions of their role and responsibilities, Weiss High School will not be accepting food deliveries for students from outside food delivery companies. (for example, Favor, Door Dash, Grun Hub, etc.) or from food vendors. (Papa John's for example) during the school day. Our campus provides lunch options for students in our school cafeteria, or students may bring their lunch from home.
    If your student forgets their lunch at home, they may get lunch. They can receive lunch at the campus, or the student's parents may drop lunch off at the campus and we will do our best to get it to your students prior to their lunchtime. Families who want to qualify for free or reduced lunch do so by completing the appropriate form. These forms can be accessed on our district website on our Food and Child Nutrition Services page. If an outside food delivery company or food vendor comes to campus with food delivery for a student, they will be turned away.
    The campus will NOT be responsible for any of these food items.  Any concerns from students or parents regarding purchase costs and refunds will be redirected to the food delivery company or food vendor.
    Students who place food orders in violation of this regulation may receive disciplinary consequences.  Because of the size of our campus and the demand it has put on our office personnel, WHS will no longer be accepting (Lunch Money) or deliveries of flowers, gifts, baked goods, etc. of any kind for students. Please have your child take money for a lunch account to the cafeteria.
    ALL OTHER DELIVERIES (excluding school-related items) WILL BE DECLINED.
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