Frequently asked questions: Pre-K registration

  • Pre-K


    • How do I locate my child's school?                        Click on our boundary link here. Enter your address, then click the black dot to verify your home campus

    • If my child cannot be tested immediately, will they lose their spot at their home campus (the campus you are zoned for based on your home address)? 
      No, we will temporarily hold a spot for your child until you receive your child's Language Proficiency test results. Then you can only keep that spot if all registration documents are turned in before someone else

    • Do I still have to provide the school with my proof of income if I know my child will qualify for prekindergarten another way?
      Yes, proof of income is a state requirement for prekindergarten.

    • Can I print my child's shot records from their online portal? 
      No, they must be provided by your child's doctor's office. Shot records must have your child's doctor's name and office address. Please ensure your child's shot records include their 3-year-old or 4-year-old shots, depending on your child's current age.

    • If I have several people on my lease agreement, whom must I provide a pay stub for?
      You must provide a paystub for everyone on the lease agreement unless there are separate agreements for the same household

    • What type of documents can I use to verify proof of residency?
      Gas, water, electricity bills, mortgage statements, and/or lease agreements
    • Do all students have to provide proper documentation, such as birth certificates and shot records, before enrolling them?
      Yes, unless the student is identified as being homeless or in foster care

    • What is the timeline for all documents to be submitted to the school if my child is classified as homeless or in Foster Care? 
      30 days from the date they are enrolled in school 

    • Can a child that is five years old enroll in Pre-K? 
      No, your child must be 3 or 4 years old in Texas on or by September 1st

    • Can a child that is not fully toilet trained enroll in Pre-K?
      Yes. Please refer to our Toilet Guidelines & Toilet Training Plan.