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Pflugerville Independent School District

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I-E Secondary Promotion/Placement/Retention

I-E - Secondary Promotion, Placement, Retention

Secondary students may be promoted or awarded credit on the basis of academic achievement or demonstrated proficiency of the subject matter of the grade level or course.


At the middle school level, students may be moved from one grade level to the next by meeting the criteria for either promotion or placement.

A student who meets each of the following criteria shall be promoted.

  1. an overall average of 70% on a scale of 100 for all subjects combined, including electives
  2. a grade of 70 or above on both mathematics and language arts
  3. a grade of 70 or above in either science or social studies
  4. compliance with the attendance policy
  5. proficiency on the state assessment for gr. 8 in reading and mathematics, beginning in the year 2007-2008.

Note: Yearly averaging for students transferring into PISD during an academic year:

-- average all PISD six weeks together
-- if the above average is inconsistent with current year's grades from the previous school, the teacher will consult with the building principal in determining a yearly average.

Placement decisions are authorized by the campus principal and may involve committee input. A student not meeting promotion criteria shall be considered for placement in the following situations:

•Successful completion of designated summer school course(s);
•Consistent demonstration of mastery of the curriculum via summative assessments;
•Retention limit for a grade span will be exceeded (no more than one retention in gr. 6-8);
•Extremely overage (16);
•If a student fails to meet the attendance requirements but completes the requirements set by the attendance committee;
•Successful completion of Credit by Exam for a given course, pursuant with PISD guidelines;
•A student who fails to meet promotion criteria and falls under none of the above situations but is perceived to be able to succeed at the next grade level may be placed.


• Failure to meet the promotion or placement requirements will result in retention.
• Students may not be retained more than once in grades 6-8.


The report card and permanent records will clearly reflect whether a student has been promoted, placed, or retained at the end of an academic year.

Summer School  PISD offers summer school for middle school students who do not successfully complete the following courses: mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies.

NOTE:  Students who have failed the same core course consecutively from one year to the next will be encouraged to enroll in summer school to strengthen academic skills.

Students who have failed the TAKS (language or math) will be advised to consider summer school to strengthen academic performance.

TAKS Interventions
Students who have failed the TAKS in ELA or math may be required to attend a class during the school day to provide additional instructional support.  This class will be taken in the place of an elective. 

Special Education Students, Grades 6-8

• If a student masters 70% of the IEP objectives for core content area courses, he/she may be recommended for promotion.

• If he/she fails to master 70% of the IEP for core content are courses, and it is determined by the ARD that lack of mastery was caused by an inappropriate IEP, the ARD will recommend for the IEP to address the inappropriate areas and to "place" the student in the next grade level if it is determined to be in the best interest of the student to do so.

•If a student fails to master 70% of the IEP, and it is determined that instruction and modifications were provided as specified, but that the student did not put forth the effort to learn, the ARD may recommend retention.


The State Board of Education determines the curriculum requirements for graduation. Promotion from one grade classification to the next is based upon the accumulation of a designated number of credits. (See Campus Student Handbook.) The number of credits required to graduate is established by the local school district.

A student may graduate and receive a diploma only if the student successfully completes the following:

•the curriculum requirements identified by the State Board;

•successful completion of required units of credit as established by PISD;

•successful exit-level assessment and any required end-of-course assessment.

Special Education Students, Grades 9-12

• If a student masters 70% of the IEP objectives for a course, he/she may be awarded credit.

• If he/she fails to master 70% of the IEP for a course, and it is determined by the ARD that lack of mastery was caused by an inappropriate IEP, the ARD will recommend for the IEP to address the inappropriate areas and may award partial or full credit.

•If a student fails to master 70% of the IEP for a course, and it is determined that instruction and modifications were provided as specified, but that the student did not put forth the effort to learn, the ARD committee may deny credit.