I-T CAAC Selection Procedure
I-T - CAAC Role, Membership Selection and Meeting Requirements
The role of the CAAC is primarily advisory and consultative in nature. The principal shall involve the CAAC in:
- assisting in the development, review, revision of the campus plan
- reviewing major campus initiatives
- providing input regarding the campus budget by recommending, reviewing, or providing input concerning major initiatives connected to budget allocations
- reviewing student performance and campus plan progress
- reviewing drop-out information (BQA Legal)
In addition to the above duties, the CAAC is required to:
- approve portions of the campus plan dealing with campus staff development
- determine manner in which performance incentives shall be used
- hold annual public meeting after campus ratings are received
Membership Selection
The council will consist of at least 12 members, including the principal. Membership will include one district-level non-teaching professional, numerous campus-based professional staff members, two parents, two business representatives, and two community representatives. Membership may include (at discretion of principal) students at the high school level.
Professional Staff Members
Teaching professional staff: At least 2/3 of the district and campus professional staff shall be classroom teachers (not 1/3 of the entire council membership). These council members shall be nominated and elected by professional staff assigned to that campus.
Non-teaching professional staff: Not more than 1/3 of the district (personnel who have responsibilities at more than one campus, including central office staff) and campus professional staff shall be non-teaching staff. The district-level member will be assigned by the Superintendent’s designee and the campus non-teaching staff shall be nominated and elected by professional staff assigned to that campus.
Non-Staff Members
Parents: The principal shall inform all parents of campus students about the council’s duties and composition, and shall solicit volunteers from parents of currently enrolled students within the District. (A parent who is an employee of the District is not considered a parent representative on the committee.) A minimum of two parents will be selected and efforts made to choose parents representing ethnic, grade, and/or program diversity from among the volunteers.
Community: The principal shall ensure that community residents are informed of the CAAC and are provided the opportunity to participate. (Community members must reside in the District and must be at least 18 years of age.) Principals will solicit volunteers from school district residents who do not have students currently enrolled on that campus. A minimum of two volunteers will be selected with efforts to choose members reflecting the diversity of the campus attendance area.
Business: The principal shall ensure that community residents are informed of the CAAC and are provided the opportunity to participate. (Business members may or may not reside in the District.) Principals will solicit volunteers from businesses within or outside of the school district and select a minimum of two to serve. Efforts will be made to represent adopting businesses, career and technology program areas, and/or businesses in the community.
Examples of appropriate council composition:
Example #1:
1 principal
1 district-level professional staff
2 parents
2 community members
2 business members
3 classroom teachers (based on 2 non-teaching professional positions)Example #2:
1 principal
1 district-level professional staff
2+ parents
2 community members
2 business members
1 additional non-teaching professional campus staff (assistant principal)
6 classroom teachers (based on 3 non-teaching professional positions)
Example #3:
1 principal
1 district-level professional staff
2+ parents
2+ community members
2+ business members
3 additional non-teaching professional campus staff (assistant principal, SRO, counselor)
10 classroom teachers (based on 5 non-teaching professional positions)
Meeting Requirements
Training: Training of CAAC members must occur annually and must reflect:
- CAAC role/purpose (consult and participate in aspects of the campus instructional program related to planning, the budget, curriculum, staffing patterns, professional development and school organization)
- Coverage of appropriate board policies and administrative procedures
- Board Policies BQ Legal, BQB Legal, BQB Local, DMA Legal
- Administrative Procedures I-T, I-Q
- CAAC responsibilities
- assist principal in development, review, revision of campus plan
- review major campus programs
- provide input regarding budget
- approve portions of campus plan dealing with campus professional development
- review student performance and campus plan progress
- review drop-out information as delineated in Board Policy BQA Legal
- determine manner in which performance incentives shall be used
- hold annual public meeting after campus ratings have been received
- provide consensus of opinions on requested campus waiver
Scheduling of meetings:
- held at a time that does not inhibit the regular attendance of any specific group
- at least four meetings held annually and regularly scheduled, with notices sent to members at least one week prior to each meeting
- additional meetings held at the call of the principal
Content of Meetings :
- agenda set by principal
- council actions communicated to all members through appropriate means (i.e. minutes emailed)
- council actions communicated to campus community through appropriate means (i.e. newsletter, listserv, website, etc.)