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Pflugerville Independent School District

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II-L Entrance into PK, Kindergarten and 1st Grade

II-L -Age Eligibility for Entrance into PreK, Kindergarten and 1st Grade

Pflugerville I.S.D. does not accept students underage in grades prekindergarten, kindergarten, or first grade.

To enter prekindergarten, a student must be 4 years old on or before September 1 of the current school year. (Additional requirements of being unable to speak or comprehend English or from a family whose income is at or below subsistence also exist.)

To enter kindergarten, a student must be 5 years old on or before September 1 or the current school year. To enter 1st grade, a student must be 6 years old on or before September 1 or the current school year.

Exception: A child may be enrolled in the first grade if he/she has been enrolled in the first grade, or completed kindergarten, in the public schools of another state prior to transferring to the District.

Enrollment in a private kindergarten, enrollment in a private first grade or completion of a private kindergarten, in or out of state, does not make a child eligible for underage enrollment.


  • There is no age eligibility requirement for 2nd grade.
  • Advance Placement is available starting with "age eligible" kindergarten students. (Refer to Administrative Procedure I-J.) Kindergarten and first grade students must be enrolled in P.I.S.D. according to the above guidelines in order to participate in the Advance Placement procedures for Kindergarten and Grade 1.