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Pflugerville Independent School District

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II-P Prekindergarten Pupil/Teacher Ratio

II-P - PreKindergarten Pupil/Teacher Ratios

n order to prevent overburdening some prekindergarten classes, the level guidelines below will be followed in order to equalize enrollment on campuses throughout the District.

Regular and bilingual prekindergarten classes:

  • A student to teacher ratio of 18 to 1 is maintained for prekindergarten classes.
  • When a student to teacher ratio of 18 to 1 is reached at a campus, the campus principal or PK teacher will notify the PK designated central office contact person and send any entering PK students to another PK campus which has openings.

Bilingual prekindergarten classes:

  • A student to teacher ratio of 18 to 1 is maintained for bilingual prekindergarten classes.
  • When a student to teacher ratio of 18 to 1 is reached at a campus, the campus principal or PK teacher will notify the designated Bilingual central office contact person.
Procedures for implementation of above guidelines:

The following implementation steps are for the purpose of conveying a message of openness and acceptance to parents coming to school to register their prekindergarten students. District and school personnel must make every effort to assist the parent in registering any qualifying child.

  1. A centralized district-wide PK registration will occur in late July during the same time periods as the regular elementary campus registration. Parents may register eligible PK students for the campus of their choice, based upon class limits.
  2. After this initial registration time, the home campus will assist the parent with PK registration or send that parent to a campus which still has PK openings.
If the student is a potential free/reduced lunch eligible student or a potential Limited English Proficient student:
  1. The PK campus at which a parent arrives to register their PK child will determine free/reduced lunch eligibility and have the parent complete a Home Language Survey.
  2. *If a child is eligible for service or testing, that campus will assist with the registration paperwork.
  3. When the pupil/teacher ratio is below 18 on that campus, the student will be accommodated at the location of registration. Registration will be completed and LEP testing, if needed, will occur.
  4. If the pupil/teacher ratio is at 18 on that campus, school personnel will communicate with other PK campuses to determine where the student can enroll. The parent then takes the paperwork on free and reduced lunch and the Home Language Survey with him/her to the campus at which they might enroll their child. Testing and registration is then done by the receiving campus.

*Exception: If the Home Language Survey indicates Spanish or Vietnamese, only the bilingual PK campuses will be considered for enrollment and testing.

NOTE: If the parent requests a morning (or afternoon) session, and that session has reached the level ratio, the school personnel offers an alternative afternoon (or morning) session if it is available at that campus. Only when it is apparent that the parent's needs cannot be accommodated at that campus will the school personnel communicate with other PK campuses.