II-S Admitting Students Coming from Situations other than Accredited Public Schools
II-S - Admitting Students Coming from Situations Other Than Accredited Public Schools
Pflugerville I.S.D. Board Policy FDA (Local) should be followed when admitting students. Additional procedures to Policy FDA are delineated below. These procedures are for the purpose of establishing consistent assessment requirements for students entering PISD from various nonpublic schooling situations.
Private or Parochial Schools
Elementary and Middle School Level
Upon enrollment and based upon records from the previous school, parents will be informed by the campus administration that the student will be placed initially at the grade level reached at the previous school, pending observation by school educators to determine the placement's academic and social appropriateness. (Exception: PK, K, and 1st grade enrollment requirements are delineated in Administrative Procedures II-L.) If observations by school educators indicate that the placement of the student may be inappropriate,the parent must be informed. Additional information to determine the final grade placement of the student may be required by the campus principal. If this information cannot be obtained from assessments administered to the general student population, the principal may request appropriate school personnel to administer one or more of the following:- an achievement test measuring language arts and mathematics skills.
- an Informal Reading Inventory (IRI).
- released TAAS tests for the previous grade in the areas of reading and mathematics.
If achievement tests or released TAAS tests will be used, the parent should be informed prior to the administration of the tests. Based upon observations and any additional assessments, the principal determines the final grade placement.
High School Level
Credit for high school courses shall be obtained through one of the following three avenues:- Credit by Exam process. Adequate time to prepare for the test should be given, particularly if multiple subject examinations are required. (Campuses will be responsible for the cost of these exams.)
- evidence that courses meet State Board requirements and standards.
- final exam for the course(s).
Charter Schools
Charter school transfers will follow guidelines for transfers from private or parochial schools.
Home Schools
Elementary and Middle School Level
When enrolling a student in Pflugerville ISD from a home school, the parent must provide evidence that the student has acquired the state-required essential knowledge and skills for the grade placement requested in language arts and mathematics. Initial placement of the student may be determined by chronological age, pending observation by school educators. If the initial placement seems academically or socially inappropriate, the parent must be informed and the school principal may require additional information to determine final grade placement. If the additional information cannot be obtained from assessments administered to the general student population, the principal may request appropriate school personnel to administer one or more of the following:- an achievement test measuring language arts and mathematics skills.
- an Informal Reading Inventory (IRI).
- released TAAS tests for the previous grade in the areas of reading and mathematics.
In some cases, the campus principal may determine that assessment of the student's language arts and mathematics skills should be done prior to or at the time of enrollment in order to determine the appropriate grade placement of the student. Based upon observations and any additional assessments, the principal determines the final grade placement.
High School Level
Credit for high school courses for transfers coming from a home school will be obtained in the same manner as students coming from a private or parochial school.
Refer to Administrative Procedure II-L concerning age requirements for prekindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade students.
Refer to Administrative Procedure II-N concerning other information about home schooled students.