Program Testing
Program Testing
PfISD offers a variety of assessment programs through several departments. Please refer to the links below for details and dates regarding these programs.
These include the STAR 360 reading and math screeners as well as other large-scale assessments by grade and subject. These assessments are coordinated by the Curriculum Department.
Some assessment results are required for students who might be eligible for gifted and talented instruction.
Some assessment results are required for students who might be eligible for services through the special education department.
English Language Learners
English Language Learners
Some assessment results are required for students who might be eligible for services for English Language Learners coordinated by the Multilingual Department.
The PSAT/NMSQT will be given in mid October of every school year. The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) provides first-hand practice in critical reasoning, math problem-solving and writing skills which are found on the SAT reasoning test. The PSAT also serves as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) which qualifies students for an array of scholarship programs.
Any home-schooled student who resides in the Pflugerville Independent School District may participate in the PSAT/NMSQT and/or any college advanced placement test offered by the District. Proof of residence is required, and will be used to determined the zoned campus. Home-schooled student registration must be done prior to the College Board deadline for U.S. schools to increase PSAT/NMSQT test book orders. More information can be found on the College Board website.
Any home-schooled student who resides in the Pflugerville Independent School District may participate in the PSAT/NMSQT and/or any college advanced placement test offered by the District. Proof of residence is required, and will be used to determined the zoned campus. Home-schooled student registration must be done prior to the College Board deadline for U.S. schools to increase PSAT/NMSQT test book orders. More information can be found on the College Board website.
PfISD also offers PSAT 8/9 and Advanced Placements Tests. More information on the AP program is available here.
(CBE) is an assessment option that may afford students the opportunity for promotion to the next grade level (K-8) and to gain course credit (9-12). There are two types of Credit by Exam: Acceleration and Recovery. CBE is coordinated by the Counseling Department.