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STAAR Testing
State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR)
What is STAAR?
STAAR stands for State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, which is the state's student testing program. The assessments are based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, which are the state curriculum standards. Beginning in grade 3 through high school graduation, students will be tested in the core subject areas of reading, writing,mathematics, science and social studies.
Enrolled Grade
Subjects Assessed with STAAR
Grade 3
Reading Language Arts, and Mathematics (both available in English and Spanish)
Grade 4
Reading Language Arts and Mathematics (both available in English and Spanish)
Grade 5
Reading Language Arts, Mathematics and Science (all available in English and Spanish)
Grade 6
Reading Language Arts and Mathematics
Grade 7
Reading Language Arts and Mathematics
Grade 8
Reading Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies
Grade 9
Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II and U.S. History - for students enrolled in each course
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
What do STAAR tests look like?
Starting with Spring 2023, STAAR assessments will look different as they are redesigned to make tests more tightly aligned to the classroom experience. Redesigned tests will include:
What is the purpose of STAAR and standardized testing?
STAAR tests show whether a student has mastered specific knowledge of a core subject at a certain grade level. Test results should provide parents with assurance that their child is prepared to enter the next grade level within their school district or any Texas district. Finally, the results provide educators and administrators with uniform information about where to focus resources - especially in the core subjects being taught.
Who takes STAAR EOC?
Students enrolled in an EOC course will take the STAAR EOC assessment at the conclusion of the course. If a student enrolled in grade 8 or below is taking a course for which there is a STAAR EOC assessment, the student will take the applicable EOC assessment. STAAR EOC is offered in the spring, summer and winter. To meet state graduation requirements, students will retake STAAR EOC until a passing score is achieved.
When will we receive STAAR and TELPAS Results?
With the STAAR assessments being redesigned this year, a standards-setting process for the new assessments must be conducted prior to TEA providing results to families.
Parents will be notified by the campus principal when results are available to parents in the state's online Family Portal. Please contact your home campus with any questions regarding assessment results.
For the convenience of PfISD parents, we have established a single sign-on in Skyward's Family Access. Parents will log into Skyward's Family Access and select "Texas Assessment" to be redirected to the state's Student Portal. More instructions are available here.
Parents and students can also access state assessment results directly through the online Family Portal. You will need the unique access code that is provided on the bottom of any Confidential Student Report (CSR). Refer to any CSR from a previous school year to find the unique access code. Keep this unique access code available and check the website for the latest test results as well as test results from previous school years. More information about accessing student results is available here.
For students in grades 3-8:
Spril (April/May) STAAR results are expected to be available in the state's online Family Portal on June 14, 2024.
Results for STAAR Alternate 2, for a small group of students who receive special education services, are expected to be available in the state's online Family Portal on June 20, 2024.
For students who participated in STAAR EOC English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology and/or U.S. History:
April & May STAAR EOC results are expected to be available in the state's online Family Portal on June 7, 2024.
June STAAR EOC results are expected to be available in the state's online Family Portal on August 2, 2024.
For Emergent Bilingual students (English Learners):
TELPAS results are expected to be available in the state's online Family Portal on June 12, 2024.
TELPAS Alternate results, for a small group of students, are expected to be available in the state's online Family Portal on May 14, 2024.
What assessments are available for students receiving special services?
STAAR Alternate 2 assessments are available for students with significant cognitive disabilities who meet the eligibility requirements. For more information, refer to the special education assessments webpage.
What assessments are available for Emergent Bilingual students (English Learners)?
STAAR includes supports for eligible students, and STAAR is also available in Spanish in grades 3-5.
All students identified as Emergent Bilingual will be assessed with the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS). TELPAS includes reading, writing, speaking and listening components.
What assessments are available for students receiving services for dyslexia?
STAAR includes a range of supports available to eligible students. Learn more.