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Pflugerville Independent School District

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Research Requests

Research Requests

Research and Evaluation Requests

Pflugerville ISD permits research studies initiated by external agencies and individuals as well as PfISD employees. The study results should be valuable to PfISD. Research topics that address issues of particular interest to the district will have a greater likelihood of approval than research that does not.  Contact regarding research studies in PfISD shall be initiated through the Department of Accountability and Assessment.

Completed applications with all supporting documentation and fee payment must be submitted by June 30 to be considered for the following school year.  PfISD will not accept new research proposals that start during the spring semester. 

Application process:

  1. Read the PfISD Research Regulations
  2. Complete the PfISD Application for Research or Evaluation
  3. Electronically submit the completed application with all supporting documentation.  The applicable fee payment can either be delivered or mailed (refer to the fee payment information on last page of the application).
    • Contact with campus principals prior to the application process is not permitted and may jeopardize the approval of the application.
    • Applications must be complete with all supporting documentation and fee payment and be submitted by the deadline in order to be considered. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
    • If you have any questions, please contact Karen Shah, Executive Director of Accountability and Compliance. Email Karen Shah.
  4. The Department of Accountability and Assessment will conduct the review process and notify the applicant of district-level approval or denial of the research/evaluation proposal.


If District-level approval is obtained:

  1. If approved at the district-level, the researcher will be notified of approval and permitted to discuss the research/evaluation proposal with the campus principal(s) to potentially secure final approval on the Principal Approval Campus principals have the final authority to approve or deny a research project to be conducted at their campus.
  2. If the researcher is not a PfISD employee, they will be required to complete the Volunteer Application and consent to a background check before research or evaluation may be conducted at PfISD campuses. Section 22.083 of the Education Code authorizes a school district to conduct a background check to inquire on individuals criminal history record information from any law enforcement or criminal justice agency on applications, employees, or volunteers of the District. 


Requests for Letters of Support

Any organization requesting a letter of support must first contact the Department of Accountability and Assessment.


Summary of Research Application Procedures

Research Regulations

Application for Research or Evaluation - due June 30 for consideration for the upcoming school year


PfISD Approved Research and Evaluation Projects

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