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Pflugerville Independent School District

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Public Notices

Delayed or Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services: Special Education

Compensatory services are used to help students make up for progress or skills they lost when their special education services were not provided. This includes situations where a child does not get special education services because he or she was denied a timely initial evaluation, but later found eligible.

If an initial evaluation was denied when it should not have been, compensatory services may be needed to make up for the delay in your child getting special education services.


Los servicios compensatorios se utilizan para ayudar a los estudiantes a recuperar el progreso o las habilidades que perdieron cuando
no se proveyeron sus servicios de educación especial. Esto incluye situaciones en las que un niño no recibe servicios de educación especial porque se le negó una evaluación inicial completada de manera oportuna, pero luego se determinó que era elegible.

Si se rechazó una evaluación inicial cuando no debería haber sido así, es posible que se necesiten servicios compensatorios para compensar para el retraso en que su hijo reciba servicios de educación especial.



PSAT/NMSQT Required Notice for Homeschooled Students

College Board’s PSAT/NMSQT will be administered on October 13, 2021 at CHS, HHS, PHS & WHS.  Homeschooled students eligible to attend school in PfISD may contact their zoned campus to register for the test.  Call the campus main number and ask for the PSAT/NMSQT coordinator no later than Friday, October 1.

Homeschooled students should be prepared to show photo identification and comply with all district and campus policies, including COVID-19 protocols, while on campus to participate in the PSAT/NMSQT administration.  Participants must arrive no later than 9am and report directly to the main office.  The test has a total testing time of 2 hours and 45 minutes.  Additional time is required to distribute and collect materials.  Homeschool participants will be dismissed from campus at the conclusion of the administration.