MTSS Social Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning
The SEL Competencies CASEL Framework
(CASEL: the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) |
Responsible Decision Making includes making ethical and constructive choices about personal and social behavior. Focus Areas: Identifying Problems, Analyzing Solutions, Solving Problems, Evaluating, Reflecting
Self-Awareness is the relationship between ourselves and our thoughts. This includes the ability to recognize our emotions and values as well as our strengths and challenges. Focus Areas: Identifying emotions, Recognizing strengths, Self-Confidence, Self-Efficacy |
Self-Management is the relationship between ourselves and our actions. This includes the process of managing our emotions and behaviors to achieve our goals. Focus Areas: Impulse Control, Stress Management, Self-Discipline, Goal Setting, Organizational Skills
Social Awareness is the relationship between others and our thoughts. This includes showing understanding and empathy for others. Focus Areas: Perspective-Taking, Empathy, Appreciating Diversity, Respect for Others |
Relationship Skills refer to our actions with others. This includes the ability to form positive relationships, work in teams, and deal effectively with conflict. Focus Areas: Communication, Social Engagement, Relationship Building, Teamwork |
SEL INDICATOR: SEL Integrated with Academic Instruction refers to the intentional practices educators use to incorporate SEL practices into their classrooms. LOW LEVEL INTEGRATION EXAMPLES
SEL INDICATOR: Supportive Classroom Environment: Trauma-Informed SEL Trauma-Informed SEL is an approach to fostering youth's social-emotional development with practices that support all students, but is particularly inclusive and responsive to the needs of children and youth who have experiences trauma. Characteristics include:
SEL INDICATOR: Explicit SEL Instruction refers to consistent opportunities for students to cultivate, practice and reflect on the SEL competencies that are developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive. These opportunities provide dedicated time to focus on SEL competencies through SEL lessons. SEL Curriculum:
Adult SEL To promote students' social and emotional competence, it is important for schools to simultaneously foster a supportive staff environment that cultivates social and emotional competence and capacity by:
Systems for Continuous Improvement Implementation and outcome data are collected and used to continuously improve all SEL-related systems, practices, and policies. Fidelity inventory is conducted to identify areas for continuous improvement. |