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Pflugerville Independent School District

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Campus Improvement Plans

Campus Improvement Plans

Each school year, the principal of each school campus, with the assistance of the campus-level committee, shall develop, review, and revise the campus improvement plan for the purpose of improving student performance for all student populations, including students in special education programs under Education Code Chapter 29, Subchapter A, with respect to the student achievement indicators and any other appropriate performance measures for special needs populations. Education Code 11.253(c), Board Policy BQ (Legal) 

Per federal statute, the CIP must be

“developed with the involvement of parents and other members of the community to be served and individuals who will carry out such plan, including teachers, principals, and administrators (including administrators of programs described in other parts of this title), and, if appropriate, pupil services personnel, technical assistance providers, school staff, and, if the plan relates to a secondary school, students from such school.” (Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Section 1114[b][2][B][ii])


Pflugerville ISD Elementary School Campus Improvement Plans:

2024-2025 CIP - Brookhollow

2024-2025 CIP - Brookhollow-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Caldwell

2024-2025 CIP - Caldwell-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Carpenter

2024-2025 CIP - Copperfield

2024-2025 CIP - Copperfield_-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Dearing

2024-2025 CIP - Dearing-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Delco

2024-2025 CIP - Delco-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Dessau Elementary

2024-2025 CIP - Dessau Elementary-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Hidden Lake

2024-2025 CIP - Highland Park

2024-2025 CIP - Highland Park-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Mott

2024-2025 CIP - Murchison

2024-2025 CIP - Northwest

2025-2025 CIP - Northwest-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Parmer Lane

2025-2025 CIP - Parmer Lane-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Pflugerville Elementary

2024-2025 CIP - Plugerville Elementary-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Riojas

2024-2025 CIP - River Oaks

2024-2025 CIP - River Oaks-Spanish

2024-2025- CIP - Rowe Lane

2024-2025 CIP - Ruth Barron

2024-2025 CIP - Ruth Barron-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Spring Hill

-2024-2025 CIP - Spring Hill-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Timmerman

2024-2025 CIP - Timmerman-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Wieland

2024-2025 CIP - Wieland-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Windermere

2024-2025 CIP - Windermere-Spanish

Pflugerville ISD Middle School Campus Improvement Plans:

2024-2025 CIP - Bohls

2024-2025 CIP - Bohls-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Cele

2024-2025 CIP - Dessau Middle

2024-2025 CIP - Dessau Middle

2024-2025 CIP - Kelly Lane

2024-2025 CIP - Park Crest

2024-2025 CIP - Park Crest-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Pflugerville Middle

2024-2025 CIP - Pflugerville Middle-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Westview

2024-2025 CIP - Westview-Spanish

Pflugerville ISD High School Campus Improvement Plans:

2024-2025 CIP - Connally

2024-2025 CIP - Connally-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Hendrickson

2024-2025 CIP - PACE

2024-2025 CIP - Pflugerville High

2024-2025 CIP - Pflugerville High-Spanish

2024-2025 CIP - Provan Opportunity Center  

2024-2025 CIP - Weiss