Leaves and Absences
Leave and Absences
The district offers employees paid and unpaid leaves of absence in times of personal need. Employees who expect to be absent for an extended period of more than five (5) days should contact the Leave Department for information about applicable leave benefits, payment of insurance premiums, and requirements for communicating with the district. Please refer to the employee handbook and policies DEC (Local), DEC (Legal), and DECA (Legal) for a full explanation of PfISD Leave and Absence information.
Skyward Time Off
Employees must request absences through Skyward Time Off under Employee Access. Employees whose position requires a substitute will automatically be redirected to Red Rover (our absence management system) to request a substitute. Red Rover's only function is to announce the absence so that a substitute can accept the job, whereas Skyward Time Off is where leave is recorded.
Click on one of the links below for instructions:
How to Request Time Off in Skyward
How to Add an Attachment to your Absence in Skyward
Paid Leave
*Employees must meet the eligibility requirements.
Local Sick Leave
- Earned at a rate of ½ day per 18 days worked.
- Employees receive 5 days maximum per year.
- Leave is recorded in ¼ day, ½ day, and whole days.
- May only be used for an employee or family member's illness.
- Leave is prorated for employees who start after the official beginning date of their position or separate before their last duty day.
- End of year balance rolls over to the next year.
- Eligible for reimbursement upon retirement for employees who meet the requirements.
State Sick/Personal Leave
- Employees receive 5 days maximum per year.
- Recorded in ¼ day, ½ day, and whole days.
- May be used for a personal absence or illness.
- State personal absences must be requested one week in advance and receive approval.
- State personal leave shall not exceed three consecutive workdays.
- Leave is prorated for employees who start after the official beginning date of their position or separate before their last duty day.
- End of year balance rolls over to the next year.
- Transferable to other Texas school districts.
Non-Contract (Vacation) Days
- Only employees who work 226 or more days are eligible for non-contract days.
- Non-exempt employees can carry a maximum of 10 non-contract days into the next school year.
- Exempt employees can carry an unlimited amount of non-contract days, however upon resignation they will only be paid for 10 days.
- Days must be approved by the supervisor in advance. Days are allocated according to the present year calendar and vary from year to year.
*Extended Sick Leave – up to 3 days in a given school year, a maximum of 9 days during the course of employment upon approval. (Must be requested by the employee).
*Catastrophic Leave – up to 60 days during the course of employment upon approval. (Must be requested by the employee).
Unpaid Leave
*Employees must meet the eligibility requirements
*Family Medical Leave – up to 12 work weeks/26 work weeks for military-related injuries.
- Contact the Leave Office for paperwork.
- Employees must be employed by the district for one year and work a minimum of 1,250 hours to be eligible.
- Leave runs concurrent with district-paid leave and Temporary Disability Leave. Leave becomes unpaid once leave is exhausted.
*State Temporary Disability Leave – up to 180 calendar days.
- Contact the Leave Office for paperwork.
- For qualified employees only (employees whose position requires them to hold a certificate through SBEC).
- It runs concurrently with district-paid leave and Family Medical Leave. Leave becomes unpaid once leave is exhausted.
- May not be taken intermittently.
- For personal illness only.
*Local Temporary Disability Leave– up to 45 calendar days.
- Contact the Leave Office for paperwork.
- For employees who are not eligible for state temporary disability leave with 30 days of continuous employment.
- It runs concurrently with district-paid leave. Leave becomes unpaid once leave is exhausted.
- May not be taken intermittently.
- For personal illness only.
Bereavement – up to 5 days per occurrence
- Employees must use their state or local leave.
- Leave shall not exceed 5 workdays per occurrence.
- Employees with no accumulated leave will be docked their daily rate of pay.
Excessive Absenteeism
Absences over 10 days are considered to be excessive absenteeism. Absences due to approved FMLA, Temporary Disability, assault, jury duty, subpoena, or an accommodation under ADA are not considered when determining excessive absenteeism.
Medical Certification and Absences
Medical certification is REQUIRED in the following circumstances. Failure to provide documentation will result in the employee’s pay being docked at their daily rate:
1. Employees are absent for more than 5 consecutive workdays due to a personal illness or family illness.
2. On the day before or after a holiday;
3. On the first or last day of a semester;
4. On days scheduled for end-of-semester or end-of-year exams;
5. On days scheduled for state assessment tests; or
6. On professional or staff development days.
PfISD Leave Department