Bond Package 2018
2018 Bond & TRE
Voters in Pflugerville ISD approved both school district propositions on the Nov. 6, 2018 ballot.
With preliminary results available from Travis and Williamson counties, 66 percent of voters approved the bond package (Proposition A), and 57 percent of voters approved the Tax Ratification Election (Proposition B).
With the passage of the bond election, the district now has authorization for $332 million to be used for new school construction, renovations to existing facilities, transportation and technology. With the passage of the Tax Ratification Election (TRE), the district’s overall tax rate will drop two pennies and school district officials expect to receive an additional $4.1 million annually in state funding.
“I’d like to thank our community for its support and all the voters who made time to go to the polls,” says Superintendent Dr. Doug Killian. “The approval of both propositions from our community validates that Pflugerville ISD residents value public education and understand what it takes to be prepared in a fast-growth school district. As a district, we promise to be transparent and fiscally responsible with the trust our community has placed in us.”
Killian says he looks forward to seeing the positive impact of the bond and TRE for years to come. Proposition A will allow the district to address growth; provide funds for school renovations; update safety features and infrastructure; and support the expansion of athletic, fine arts and Career and Technical Education facilities.
Specifically, the bond package includes the following projects:
- Construct three new schools
- Elementary School No. 22
- Elementary School No. 23
- Middle School No. 7
- Expand Delco Primary and Dessau Elementary School
- Purchase land
- Build additions and renovate Career & Technical Education facilities such as agricultural sciences, automotive tech and culinary arts
- Expand and renovate various fine arts facilities to address band, choir, theater and dance programs
- Resurface middle school tracks, replace aging weight room equipment and renovate aging locker rooms
- Update aging conditions such as mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, roofing, restrooms, accessibility, fire alarm systems, kitchen equipment and playgrounds
- Update security systems and equipment
- Update and expand District support services facilities
- Purchase new fleet of school buses