Board Meetings, Agendas & Minutes
PfISD Board of Trustees Meeting Information
*The PfISD Board of Trustees resumed in-person meetings on Thursday, Sept. 3, 2021 at a reduced capacity needed to maintain social distancing protocols. Citizen Comments will return to standard in-person citizen comments protocols.
Pflugerville ISD Board of Trustees regular monthly meetings are typically held on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the PISD Administration Building, located at 1401 West Pecan, Pflugerville. Meetings dates may be added or changed as necessary.
Official notices of these meetings will be posted at the PISD Administration Building at least 72 hours prior to each meeting. Meeting dates will also be posted on the District Activities Calendar and on the District website.
If you would like to subscribe to receive agendas when they are posted, please visit the Agendas and Minutes page and scroll to the very bottom to complete the subscription form.
Next Meeting
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas and Minutes (Aug. 2006-Present)
Please contact the Board Secretary with any questions regarding Board Agendas or Minutes at 512-594-0012.
PfISD Board Meetings
Meeting Guidance
Board Operating Procedures
*Please note these procedures may not reflect the most recent updates from the latest legislative session.
HB 2840 (Codified as Texas Government Code 551.007) - Public Comments at Posted Board Meetings
On September 1, 2019, House Bill 2840, codified at Texas Government Code 551.007, went into effect. This provides the opportunity for public comment at every posted meeting of the board of trustees including workshops, special meetings, etc. In accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code 551.007 regarding public comment, the District allows for public comment at its board meetings. For board meetings that have been designated as Board Workshops, comments may pertain to an item posted on that meeting’s agenda as well as issues unrelated to that meeting’s agenda. For all other board meetings, comments must pertain to an item posted on that meeting’s agenda. If you have information you would like the board to be aware of, you may always contact the District directly.
Public Comments
Members of the public who have signed up to address the Board will have up to three (3) minutes per person to do so unless the time is increased or decreased prior to the beginning of the communications portion of the agenda.
If there are between 20 to 30 speakers, then it drops to two minutes. If there are more than 30 speakers, then it drops to one minute. Consistent with Texas Government Code 551.007, any public speaker whose comments will be translated will receive up to six (6) minutes to address the Board. Written comments may be sent to the Board members’ District e-mail addresses located on the District website.