Board Policies and Procedures
Board Policies
We believe the success of the District depends upon a shared vision held by the Pflugerville ISD School Board, staff, parents, and community, and we continually strive to uphold these values.
The Board of Trustees Operating Procedures provide a common framework and shared understanding to serve as a commitment to collaborative decision-making, accountability, and transparency in our operations. They ensure that all actions are guided by the best interests of our students, staff, and community and align with District policy and local, state, and national law.
The Pflugerville ISD Board of Trustees has adopted these operating procedures to guide our actions and assist us in our role as trustees. In the event of a conflict between these procedures and any legal or local Board policy, the applicable rule of law and/or Board policy shall control. Policy BBE(LOCAL)
Operating Procedures
Board Meetings
- Developing the Board Meeting Agenda
A draft of the agenda is prepared by the Superintendent for approval by the Board President.
Any two Board members may request in writing to the Superintendent and Board President that a subject be included on the agenda for a meeting. The Board President shall also have the authority to direct the Superintendent to include on the preliminary agenda any item he or she wishes to be included. Policy BE(LOCAL)
Before the official agenda is finalized for any meeting, the Superintendent shall consult the Board President to ensure that the agenda and the topics included meet with the Board President's approval. In reviewing the preliminary agenda, the Board President shall ensure that any topics he or she, the Board, or at least two Board members have timely requested to be addressed are either on that agenda or scheduled for deliberation at an appropriate time in the near future. The Board President shall not have authority to remove from the agenda a subject requested by at least two Board members without specific authorization from those Board members. Policy BE(LOCAL)
A Trustee may speak to the Board President to request an item be added to the agenda. The President may act as the “second” and direct the Superintendent to place it on the agenda.
Timely Notification and Information
Board members shall be notified of a meeting at least 72 hours prior to a regular or special meeting and at least two (2) hours prior to an emergency meeting.
Board members will receive relevant supporting documents for the upcoming meeting at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.
Information will be available to each Trustee online through TASB BoardBook Premier and by hard copy (upon request). Board Members are encouraged to advise the Board President and/or Superintendent of questions or concerns on agenda items 48 hours before the called Board meeting.
For more information about agenda preparation, see Policy BE(LOCAL).
The Superintendent will provide information to Board members in preparation for the regular meeting.
Consent Agenda
The consent agenda shall include items of a routine and/or recurring nature unless the item legally requires a stand-alone vote.
The Superintendent, with the Board President’s approval, shall determine which items qualify for inclusion in the consent agenda.
All consent agenda items shall be acted upon by one vote.
A Board member may request that an item be pulled from the consent agenda for individual discussion and consideration.
Board members requesting an item be pulled from the consent agenda should contact the Superintendent or Board President as soon as possible after the agenda is released and prior to voting on the consent agenda.
Meeting Dates
The Superintendent will develop a Board calendar that will include regular and workshop meeting dates of the Board of Trustees.
The calendar will include those items that are cyclical and/or recurring for consideration at regular or workshop meetings.
The calendar and agenda items will be made available for the Board and the public in accordance with Board legal policy.
Standard meeting dates will include a workshop on the first Thursday of each month and a regular Board meeting on the third Thursday of each month.
- Conducting Board Meetings
Any time four or more members are gathered to discuss school district business, it is considered a meeting and must be posted according to Board legal policy.
Board members are expected to attend Board Workshops, Regular Board Meetings, and Committee Meetings. It is the expectation of the stakeholders of PfISD that Trustees be present to represent their interests. If a Trustee must miss a meeting or leave a meeting early, the Trustee is expected to contact the Board President and/or a Board officer at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting or as early as possible. In the case of Committee meetings, members must also notify the committee chair when missing a meeting.
The Superintendent shall attend all board meetings and executive sessions, both public and closed, except when the Board is considering the Superintendent’s contract evaluation or performance.
Executive Session
The Board may meet in executive session as provided for in the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E.
The posted agenda shall identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting and the general topic or subjects to be discussed.
The Board President is required to sign a certified agenda of all closed sessions. The Board Secretary will complete the certified agenda for closed sessions, including the beginning/ending times. Certified agendas must be retained by the District for at least two (2) years after the meeting date. Certified agendas are confidential, and are only legally accessible to current Board members or pursuant to a court order.
Agenda items discussed in executive session and requiring action by the board will be brought into open session by the Board Secretary for a vote in public. Policy BEC(LEGAL)
No Board member or other participant in an Executive Session is allowed to record the discussion or exit the Executive Session with written or electronic notes.
Public Participation
At the beginning of the Citizen Participation agenda item, the Board President will announce the rules for public participation. The rules of Citizen Participation found in BED(LOCAL) will be referenced for the audience.
The Board shall permit public comment per BED(LOCAL).
Individuals who wish to participate during the portion of the meeting designated for public comment shall sign up with the presiding officer or designee before the meeting begins as specified in the Board’s procedures on public comment and shall indicate the agenda item or topic on which they wish to address the Board.
Each speaker will be limited to three minutes unless the time is increased or decreased prior to the beginning of the communications portion of the agenda. If there are between twenty to thirty speakers who have signed up in accordance with the Board’s procedures, allotted comment time drops to two minutes. If there are over thirty speakers who have signed up in accordance with the Board’s procedures, allotted time drops to one minute.
When necessary for effective meeting management or to accommodate large numbers of individuals wishing to address the Board, the presiding officer may make adjustments to public comment procedures, including adjusting when public comment will occur during the meeting, reordering agenda items, deferring public comment on non-agenda items, continuing agenda items to a later meeting, providing an expanded opportunity for public comment, or establishing an overall time limit for public comment and adjusting the time allotted to each speaker. However, no individual shall be given less than one minute to make comments. -
The Board vests in its President or other presiding officer authority to terminate the remarks of any individual when such individual does not adhere to the established rules.
Response to Citizens Addressing the Board
Board members will not respond to or enter into discussion with the audience.
The Superintendent may, at their discretion, follow up with any speaker providing public comment.
Board Meeting
The Board President has the responsibility to keep the discussion to the motion at hand and shall halt discussion that does not pertain to the posted agenda item under consideration.
Except in instances involving a conflict of interest, as defined by law, an ethical conflict of interest, or abstention, Board members are expected to vote on all action items. Abstentions are allowed and they do not count as a vote for or against the motion. All members should exercise their voting rights responsibly. Trustees who intend to abstain from the vote should not participate in the discussion.
- Transacting Business
When an agenda item is presented for consideration, the Board shall deliberate as necessary before a vote is called.
The Board should work toward a consensus model of decision-making.
Once a decision has been made by the majority of the Board, all Board members should respect the majority vote, recognizing that it carries the full authority of the Board, and respect that decision.
Meeting Protocol
Board members may not use text messaging, email, or other forms of electronic communication between Board members during Board meetings. Board members must refrain from conducting or communicating District business through any other means, including personal devices, with the public during Board meetings.
Employee or student/parent grievances will be handled according to policy. Policy DGBA(LOCAL); Policy FNG(LOCAL);
When hearing grievance matters, the Board adopts the following rules of procedure:
The District, in coordination with the grievant, will determine whether the complaint will be presented in open or closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Complaints arising out of an event or a series of related events will be addressed in one complaint. An individual will not bring a separate or serial complaint arising from any event or series of events that have been or could have been addressed in a previous complaint.
The Board will only consider documents or information that were submitted by the complainant at the lower levels of the grievance process. The Board may, at its discretion, choose to consider information that is submitted for the first time as part of the Level Three hearing.
The Board will make its ruling in accordance with laws and policy by vote in open session.
Board Workshops
The Board will conduct monthly Board Workshops on the first Thursday of each month or as needed.
The workshop format is intended to allow Administration to present information to the Board that is:
Time-sensitive and/or discussion intensive
Required by law, rule, or policy
An agenda item that requires two readings and/or is necessary for the efficient and effective operation of the District.
The Superintendent at the President's approval, may place an action item on the Workshop agenda.
Board workshops are not intended to substitute for regular monthly Board meetings.
Board Vacancies
Pursuant to Policy BBC(LEGAL), if a vacancy occurs on the board, the remaining board members may fill the vacancy by appointment until the next trustee election or may order a special election to fill the vacancy. If more than one year remains in the term of the position vacated, the vacancy shall be filled not later than the 180th day after the date the vacancy occurs. Texas Education Code 11.060.
When a vacancy occurs, the board must announce the vacancy at a public meeting.
Subsequent to the public meeting at which the vacancy is announced, a public notice of the vacancy, the board’s vacancy policy, as well as the application process and timelines must be posted for 14 days at the district and on the school district website prior to the board action to fill a vacancy by appointment, in order to allow ample time for public input.
Trustees will receive and review all applications in a private, closed session meeting, but will take any action to fill a vacancy by public vote in open session and pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
To be eligible to be appointed to a board, a person must have the qualifications set forth in Election Code 141.001(1), Policy BBA(LEGAL). In addition, the board will not consider for appointment anyone who was a school board candidate in a board election within the last twelve months.
Board Committees
The Board may, from time to time as it deems necessary, create committees to facilitate the efficient operation of the Board.
A committee that includes one or more Board members and has supervision or control over public business or public policy is subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act when it meets to discuss that public business policy.
A committee that includes less than a quorum of the Board is not subject to the Open Meetings Act if it serves in a purely advisory function, with no power to supervise or control public business.
The Board President shall appoint members to standing committees approved by the Board. Policy BDB(LOCAL)
Standing Committees (3 or fewer trustees. Each committee will be governed by the perspective committee established and defined charge.)
Superintendent Evaluation Committee -
This committee periodically reviews and recommends modifications to the Superintendent evaluation instrument. Changes will generally be based on changing District goals, Board priorities, and the district strategic plan
Final approval of the Superintendent evaluation instrument lies with the Board as a whole. This should be completed in a timely manner following the summative evaluation.
Finance/Audit Committee – This committee meets at least quarterly and will conduct additional meetings as needed to serve as a fact-finding, deliberative, advisory, and review function of the District’s financial and operational activities. It also reviews audits/reviews/reports of the District’s finances and operations for risks/concerns noted and management’s actions to address.
Government/Community Relations Committee – The purpose of this committee is to collaborate with community leaders, organizations, and elected officials at all levels of government to preserve and promote public education in PfISD. The Committee will also bring together the Legislative Priorities for Board action that promote public education in PfISD.
Policy Committee - This committee meets to review and/or edit TASB Local policy updates as they are provided, and any policies Administration recommends for revision. Policy BDB(LEGAL) and (LOCAL).
Safety and Security Committee – for which the Board President and one other Board member appointed by the President should serve as a member as mandated by law.
Electing Board Officers
Officers are nominated and elected annually at the first regularly scheduled Board meeting following the certification of the May election and qualification of trustees in accordance with the Texas Education Code.
A vacancy in the office of the President will be filled by a majority election. The Vice President becomes President only upon being elected to the position. However, the Vice President will serve as Temporary President until such an election occurs.
The Board will elect an officer to fill any vacancy at the next Board meeting after the vacancy occurs.
Duties of officer positions will be reviewed in preparation for the nomination of members for Board officer positions.
Responsibilities of Board Officers
The Board President consults with the Superintendent to prepare agendas for all Board meetings and workshops. Agendas are generally proposed by the Superintendent and reviewed and approved by the Board President prior to official posting.
The Board President presides at all meetings and ensures that a quorum is present at all times.
The Board President acts as the spokesperson for the Board regarding media or community inquiries and official District functions.
The Board President or designee is responsible for signing a certified agenda of all closed meetings.
The Board President is responsible for planning and facilitating New Board Member Orientation.
The Board President has the right to vote on all issues before the Board.
The Board President shall receive continuing education annually related to leadership duties as Board President.
The Board President or their designee will respond to all communications with an acknowledgment of receipt within two (2) business days.
The Board President appoints trustees to committees.
The Board President serves as signatory on all District contracts requiring Board approval.
Vice President
The Board Vice President will serve as the presiding officer, and will perform any necessary functions of the Board President, in the absence of the President.
The Board Vice President will assist the President in maintaining a record of actions needed as follow-up for all Board meetings, which will be shared with the President and Superintendent after each meeting.
Along with the Board President, the Board Secretary signs off on all required minutes, contracts, etc.
The Board Secretary is responsible for ensuring that minutes are accurately recorded at each Board regular, special, and workshop meeting. The minutes will be posted on the District website after they are approved at the next regular Board meeting.
The Board Secretary is responsible for completing the closed session minutes on the certified agenda during all closed meetings.
The Board Secretary will serve as presiding officer in the absence of the Board President and Board Vice President.
Board Officers
Officers will regularly meet with the Superintendent and as necessary.
Board officers shall serve no more than six years in any one officer position.
A Board officer shall chair the standing Superintendent Evaluation and Board Self-Evaluation committees.
New Board Member Orientation
All newly elected Board members are required to receive orientation within 120 days of being sworn in.
Annual Evaluations
Superintendent Evaluation
The formative evaluations will be conducted in a Board meeting in a closed session to review current District progress toward goals and objectives set forth in the Superintendent Evaluation Instrument. The Board will discuss with the Superintendent areas of accomplishment as well as areas in need of additional focus.
A summative evaluation will be conducted in closed session annually and may include a discussion of the Superintendent’s contract. The Board will use an approved evaluation instrument for the summative evaluation.
A copy of the evaluation document will be completed in advance by each Board member and submitted anonymously to the committee chair.
The Board will review, as a team, each section of the evaluation instrument and arrive at a consensus rating and set of comments.
The summative consensus evaluation will be signed by all Board members and the Superintendent. Copies will be kept on file by the Superintendent and the Board President. In addition, a sealed copy will be provided to the Chief Human Resources Officer to be placed in the Superintendent's personnel file.
The consensus document will serve as the official record of the evaluation by the Board.
Specific details of the Superintendent’s evaluation are to be kept confidential and are not subject to the Texas Public Information Act. However, as part of the posted evaluation agenda item, the Board may issue a public statement in open session regarding the overall level of satisfaction of the Board regarding the Superintendent’s performance.
The Board shall strive to accomplish the following during each summative evaluation:
Clarify to the Superintendent his/her role, as seen by the Board.
Clarify to Board members the Superintendent’s role, according to the Board’s written criteria, as expressed in the Superintendent’s job description and the District’s goals and objectives.
Develop and sustain a harmonious Team of 8 working relationship between the Board and the Superintendent.
Identify accomplishments and areas in need of improvement for the Superintendent and District.
Development of the Superintendent Evaluation Instrument: A standing committee, chaired by the Board Officer appointed by the President and including the Superintendent, will periodically review the Superintendent Evaluation Instrument and recommend modifications.
The review shall follow the calendar shown below:
Board meets to discuss District goals and Board priorities to inform the development of a District Improvement Plan and annual budget.
Board recommends to the standing committee areas of modifications that address current circumstances and issues.
The standing committee meets to formulate recommended modifications.
The Board examines the recommended document and offers further suggestions.
The standing committee prepares a final draft for Board review and possible action.
The Board adopts the evaluation instrument for the upcoming year.
The Superintendent’s Contract
During the summative evaluation meeting, the Board may determine any modifications to the Superintendent’s contract, including, but not limited to, contract term extensions, salary increases, and changes in benefits.
Any such modifications require the agreement of both the Board and Superintendent. Such agreement may take the form of an addendum to the Superintendent’s contract or a new draft of the Superintendent’s contract.
Modifications to the Superintendent's contract require action by the Board in open session
Board Self-Evaluation/Team Building
Each Board member will anonymously complete an evaluation and submit to the assigned Board Officer. The results shall be shared with the Team of 8 and be incorporated into the following Board Team Building.
The Board must participate in a minimum of three hours of Board Team Building annually.
Board Team Building may be used to review and modify Board priorities that will be used to establish District goals and objectives that guide planning and budgeting.
Board Self-Evaluation/Team Building work will occur in a posted meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Portions of the meeting may occur in either open session or closed session, depending upon the nature of the discussion and consistent with the permissible closed meeting exceptions under the Act. Topics that may be considered in a Board Self-Evaluation/Team Building meeting may include, but are not limited to the following:
Board operating procedures (annual review/approval)
Board member training
Conflict resolution
Working relationships with the Superintendent
Conduct at Board meetings
Strategic planning and goal-setting
Relationship with the community
The Board’s role in achieving District goals and objectives
Tier 3 required Board governance focus
Access to Information – BBE(LOCAL)
The Board shall act in accordance with Policy FL(LEGAL) and (LOCAL).
All requests by a Board member for compilation of data, other than copies of existing records, shall be directed to the Superintendent. The Superintendent will prepare requested reports and distribute them to the entire Board. If the preparation of the requested report is expected to consume excessive staff time and resources, the Superintendent will confer with the Board President to determine whether the requested report should be placed on an upcoming agenda for possible action.
In general, requests for information made by one Board member that require the compilation of a written report shall be shared by the Superintendent with all Board members.
Board members should be sensitive and mindful of requests which divert District staff members from their official and appointed regular duties in District operations.
Board members, as individuals, shall not exercise authority over the District, its property, or its employees.
Except for appropriate duties and functions of the Board President, an individual board member may not act on behalf of the Board.
No individual board member may commit the Board on any issue.
Board members will avoid personal involvement in activities that the Board has delegated to the Superintendent.
Complaints to Board Members
If employees, parents, students, or other members of the public bring concerns or complaints to an individual Board member, they should listen politely and encourage the patron to seek resolution at the source of the complaint (teacher, principal, etc.) via the chain of command and or refer them to the Superintendent or other appropriate administrator, who shall proceed according to the applicable complaint policy.
Depending on the circumstances, it may be appropriate for members to politely remind patrons that they have no authority as an individual Board member and that if they get involved, they would need to recuse themselves if the issues eventually came to the Board as a grievance or complaint. Regardless of circumstance, the Board member will notify the Superintendent of the complaint.
To the extent necessary, employees, students, parents, or other members of the public who bring concerns or complaints to an individual Board member may be referred to Board policy as defined in DGBA(LOCAL), FNG(LOCAL), and GF(LOCAL).
Board members should notify the Superintendent of the complaint, as necessary. If an administrative response is required, the Superintendent or designee will reply to the email, with a copy of that reply sent to each Board member for information. If a Board response is necessary, the Board President will respond on behalf of the Board.
When the concern or complaint directly pertains to the Board’s own actions or policy, for which there is an administrative remedy, the Trustee may request that the issue be placed on the agenda.
Individual anonymous communication will not receive the Board's attention, discussion, or response and will not be referred to the Administration for action. However, several calls or letters specific to a topic may warrant further attention from the Board, which may result in the Administration's need for action.
When a Board member receives a complaint regarding the Superintendent, the Board member may forward the complaint to the Board President.
Continuing Education
Board members are required to complete training as specified in the Texas Education Code 11.159.
Annually, as prescribed by law, each Board member's training hours will be read into the minutes, announcing the name of each member who has completed the required continuing education, exceeded the required hours, or was deficient in the required hours.
Where a trustee fails to complete the required minimum training, s/he will be ineligible to hold an officer position in the proceeding year.
If the minutes reflect that a trustee is deficient, the District shall post the minutes on the District’s website within ten (1) business days of the meeting and maintain the posting until the trustee meets the requirements.
Reimbursable Expenses
Board members shall be reimbursed for reasonable and allowable expenses incurred for:
Carrying out the business of the Board at the Board's request.
Attending meetings as official representatives of the Board.
Reimbursement for travel and expenses related to conventions/conferences will be limited to six nights per year per PfISD Travel Guidelines and Staff and Student Allowances.
Reimbursement for additional conventions/conferences and associated allowable expenses will require prior approval from the Board President in consultation with the Superintendent and based upon the availability of budgeted funds.
Arrangements necessary to register for a conference/convention and related accommodations (hotel, travel, etc.) shall be arranged through the Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees;
Cancellation of conference registration, hotel, travel accommodations, etc., must be completed within the allowable "cancellation" timeline established by the vendor or sponsoring entity by contacting the Board Executive Assistant. For cancellations not completed within the designated timeline, the loss of reimbursement eligibility and/or monetary commitment of the District shall be borne by the individual Board member unless the cancellation is the result of personal illness or a family emergency.
Accounting records shall accurately reflect that no state or federal funds were used to reimburse travel expenses beyond those authorized for state employees.
Board members will follow all procedures applicable to employee expense reimbursement guidelines.
Visits to Campuses
Board members are encouraged to attend any and all school events when invited as their time permits and to show support for school activities.
Board members will notify the Superintendent or Chief of Staff as well as the campus principal prior to visiting a campus in an official capacity, including the nature of the visit, and will comply with all visitation requirements (e.g., signing in and out) at the campus office. In addition, principals will notify designated central office staff of the impending visit.
Board members shall not visit a campus in an attempt to evaluate personnel on that campus.
Campus staff members may find engaging Board members as parents, rather than as Board members, difficult. Therefore, when visiting a campus or classroom as parents, Board members shall:
Make it clear that they are acting as parents.
Follow the same rules and guidelines for all parents regarding campus visits.
Never request nor accept special consideration for their children.
Board members running for re-election shall not request or accept support from District employees during work time or make campus visits in conjunction with campaigning for a Board position, or use District resources.
- Annual Review and Approval of the Board Operating Procedures
The Board Operating Procedures will be reviewed in even numbers years, beginning in 2024, and trustees shall submit updates/changes to the Board Executive Assistant in a timely manner so that the Board officers will review, after which, all submissions will be included in the June workshop BoardBook for discussion. The Board will approve the update at the June Regular Board meeting after the annual school board election.
Communication with Other Board Members
Board members are free to communicate with each other on a one-to-one basis.
Board members may not and shall not communicate with any other Board members for purposes of soliciting votes with respect to items of business that may come before the Board.
To avoid public speculation that the Open Meetings Act has been violated, Board members must exercise extreme caution at District functions and avoid gathering in groups of more than three Board members and will avoid any discussion of Board business.
Board electronic and written communications regarding District issues must be routed through the Superintendent's office so that information can be disseminated and/or questions can be addressed. Board members must never respond "Reply All" in an email thread or in texts.
A Board member may discuss a District issue with no more than two other Board members. Board members shall be mindful of the Texas Open Meetings Act responsibility not to engage in a communication or series of communications regarding District business with a number of trustees that is or will amount to a deliberation amongst a quorum of the Board.
All written and electronic communication among Board members regarding District business is subject to The Texas Public Information Act.
Board Member Communications with the Community
Board members are encouraged to participate in community activities as liaisons between the public and the District. When doing so, Board members are expected to:
Accurately relay information about the District's vision, beliefs, and goals.
Clarify a Trustee's limitations, obligations, and responsibilities as a member of the Board.
Support Board decisions.
Interact in a positive manner.
Listen politely and respectfully to comments.
Make no commitment on behalf of the Board or District.
Avoid criticism of District personnel and fellow Board members.
Refer questions about specific District activities to the appropriate staff person if they do not know the answers.
Be mindful that the Board member is seen and perceived as a Board member. Therefore, comments or statements are not made "off the record."
Communication with the Media
The Board President serves as the official spokesperson for the Board team to the media/press on issues of media attention.
Media calls should be directed to the Superintendent for handling through the public information officer.
Board members asked for individual comments or opinions by the media/press should refer those requests to the Superintendent or Board President, or should qualify those statements as being the opinion of the respective Board member and not representative of the Board as a whole or the District.
Board Member Communications with District Staff
Board members have the same rights as others to communicate with District employees regarding issues involving their own children.
Board members have the right to communicate with District employees in a personal conversation and in social settings as long as such communication does not circumvent the role and authority of the Superintendent. Circumvention occurs when the Board member intends to persuade employees, direct employees, elicit a position from employees, or obtain information from employees in a manner that undermines the credibility or authority of the Board or the District or campus administration.
Superintendent Communication with Board Members
The Superintendent will strive to accommodate visits by Board members. When possible, these meetings and the topics to be discussed should be scheduled with the Executive Assistant to ensure that the Superintendent is available.
When a Board member wishes to meet formally with any other District employee, the Board member will inform the Superintendent and the Board President. The Superintendent or designee will schedule the meeting within a reasonable time period, keeping in mind the priorities of District operations and scheduled events.
Attachment: ETHICS for School Board Members
As a member of the Board, I shall promote the best interests of the District as a whole and, to that end, shall adhere to the following ethical standards:
Equity in attitude
I will be fair, just, and impartial in all my decisions and actions.
I will accord others the respect I wish for myself.
I will encourage expressions of different opinions and listen with an open mind to others' ideas.
Trustworthiness in stewardship
I will be accountable to the public by representing District policies, programs, priorities, and progress accurately.
I will be responsive to the community by seeking its involvement in District affairs and by communicating its priorities and concerns.
I will work to ensure prudent and accountable use of District resources.
I will make no personal promise or take private action that may compromise my performance of my responsibilities.
Honor in conduct
I will tell the truth.
I will share my views while working for consensus.
I will respect the majority decision as the decision of the Board.
I will base my decisions on fact rather than supposition, opinion, or public favor.
Integrity of character
I will refuse to surrender judgment to any individual or group at the expense of the District as a whole.
I will consistently uphold all applicable laws, rules, policies, and governance procedures.
I will keep confidential information that is privileged by law or that will needlessly harm the District if disclosed.
Commitment to service
I will focus my attention on fulfilling the Board's responsibilities of goal setting, policymaking, and evaluation.
I will diligently prepare for and attend Board meetings.
I will avoid personal involvement in activities the Board has delegated to the Superintendent.
I will seek continuing education that will enhance my ability to fulfill my duties effectively.
Student-centered focus
I will be continuously guided by what is best for all students of the District.
Public Comment Policy
On September 1, 2019 House Bill 2840, codified at Texas Government Code 551.007, went into effect. This provides the opportunity for public comment at every posted meeting of the board of trustees including workshops, special meetings, etc. In accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code 551.007 regarding public comment, the District allows for public comment at its board meetings. For board meetings that have been designated as Board Workshops, comments may pertain to an item posted on that meeting’s agenda as well as issues unrelated to that meeting’s agenda. For all other board meetings, comments must pertain to an item posted on that meeting’s agenda. If you have information you would like the board to be aware of, you may always contact the District directly.