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Pflugerville Independent School District

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What would happen if your income stopped today? Are you prepared to provide for yourself in the event of a serious accident or illness?

Should you experience a nonwork-related illness or injury that prevents you from working, or you become pregnant, disability coverage acts as income replacement to protect important assets and help you continue with some level of earnings.

After the initial election, employees may change their election during open enrollment. You can increase your benefit level up to $300 per month, up to the maximum allowed, or go down a level in your benefit waiting period.

The benefits outlined below are provided voluntarily by The Standard:

  • You can elect the following elimination periods (Accident/ Illness): 
    • 0/3 days
    • 14/14 days
    • 30/30 days
    • 60/60 days
    • 90/90 days
    • 180/180 days
  • You can elect the minimum benefit amount of $200 up to the lesser of $8,000 or two-thirds of your earnings. 
  •  The maximum benefit period is 3 years for illness, or to age 65 for an accident.

Pre-Existing Conditions:

Benefits are only available for the first 90 days of disability. A pre-existing condition is any condition for which you have received treatment or care within 90 days of becoming effective. After 12 months of continuous coverage, the condition is no longer considered pre-existing.

The Standard - 1-800-368-1135