Advisory Bodies
These advisory bodies may be called task forces, committees, or councils. Some of them are standing bodies and meet permanently on a regular basis, while some of them are ad hoc or periodic bodies and meet for a limited time to address a specific topic. Selection entities for advisory body memberships may include board members, the superintendent of schools, the administration, or the advisory bodies themselves.
Below is a list of current PfISD advisory bodies. Please click the links to view more information about each advisory body. If you are interested in serving on any of these advisory bodies, please contact 512-594-0000 to be directed to the appropriate representative.
Standing Advisory Bodies
Standing advisory bodies meet permanently on a regular basis.
- District Gifted Advisory
- Bond Oversight Committee
- District Academic Advisory Council (DAAC)
- Campus Academic Advisory Council (CAAC) (one for each campus)
- Budget and Compensation Committee (staff only)
- Insurance Committee (staff only)
- CTE Industry Leadership Council
Ad Hoc/Periodic Advisory Bodies
Ad hoc advisory bodies are formed for a particular purpose and meet for a limited time and are discontinued when their work is completed. Periodic advisory bodies are also formed for a particular purpose but on a recurring basis as needed.
- Boundary Alignment Committee (currently inactive)
- Citizens Facility Advisory Committee (currently inactive)
- Strategic Planning Committee (currently inactive)