- Pflugerville High School
- How to order a Verification of Enrollment (VOE)
PLEASE NOTE: THIS VOE ORDER FORM IS TO BE USED ONLY BY PFLUGERVILLE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. All other students must contact their individual schools.
Please click on the link below to order your VOE. Please note the following:
- The PHS student should complete the form and list their PfISD student email address.
- The PHS student will not be approved if he/she has an outstanding fee/fine or owes hours.
- The PHS student must have their student id when picking up the completed VOE.
Once the student completes the form from the link below, he/she will receive a notification that either the VOE form is ready to be picked up or that the request has been denied for reasons noted in the email.
Click HERE for the link to the VOE order form.
*Please note: During the school year, we will respond within 2 working days. During the summer, due to limited staffing, we require 4 working days.