Parental involvement with your child's school is a key to the success of your children - not just now, but also for your children's future.
WHS encourages and invites parents to become actively involved with their child's school through frequent communication with the administration and teachers, volunteering, and joining booster clubs to support extracurricular activities.
- Parents play an integral role in assisting in their child's learning;
- Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education at school;
- Parents are full partners in their child's education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
Students with involved parents, no matter their income or background, are more likely to:
- earn high grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level programs;
- pass their classes, earn credits, and be promoted;
- attend school regularly, and graduate and go on to secondary education.
The administration and teachers of Weiss High School invite you to communicate with us on how we can collaborate to improve your child's educational experience.