- Kelly Lane Middle School
- Campus Rules & Regulations
Student Expectations: Striving for Success and Respectful Learning
At Kelly Lane Middle School, we have high expectations for our students. We believe in promoting a positive and respectful learning environment where students are encouraged to excel academically and socially. We expect our students to come to school prepared, participate in class, and demonstrate good citizenship. By working together, we can create a community that fosters growth and success for all.
Rules & Regulations
Drawstring Bag Expectations
School Pick Up & Drop Off
Our primary goal during student drop off and pick up is the safety of our students and faculty. We ask that all parents and community members adhere to the signs, painted and freestanding, to help ensure the safety of all.
General Guidelines:- Students should only exit a vehicle when it is curbside.
- Red curbs marked for "No Parking" means that vehicles may stop at the curb but drivers cannot exit the vehicle leaving the vehicle unattended.
- Vehicles should not park or stop in a crosswalk.
- Vehicles must yield to pedestrians for the entire time they are in the crosswalk.
- Vehicles should make U-turn in the back lot or in the middle the street.
Morning Drop Off:- Please drop off all students in the back of the school, using the loop at the southern end of the school (nearest the gym) and pull forward as far as possible before stopping and allowing students to exit. Do not stop near the cafeteria/locker room.
- Please do not perform a "U" turn in the back parking lot, exit the back lot by circling around the parked cars.
- Please use caution when going around the portable building, we often have student athletes crossing the road in the morning and it is a blind corner.
- Students may enter the building at 7:45 through the entrance closest to the 8th grade office and report directly to the cafeteria; students are dismissed to academic hallways at 8:00 until 8:15.
- The gates are closed daily at 7:35 to provide middle school students who walk with a safe passage. They will re-open after the middle school busses have departed; this also assists elementary students walking home from school.
- Students should exit their car as soon as the vehicle comes to a complete stop and it is safe to do so.
- Students arriving after 8:15 need to enter school through the front of the building and anyone later than 8:20 should sign in at the main office.
Afternoon Pick Up:- The bus lane must be clear of vehicles between 2:45 and 3:45. Do not enter the bus lane if there are busses already parked - please park in the front lot and walk into the office.
- Please pick up all students in the back of the school, using the loop at the southern end of the school (nearest the gym) and pull forward as far as possible.
- All vehicles entering the back parking lot should stay to the right nearest the curb to keep traffic moving. Please do not park along the curb between Barley Field and Grand Mission Way.
- Students are dismissed from school at 3:35, they should be with a faculty member or off campus by 3:45. Students should plan to leave campus on game days and return at the game time.
- Students walking or riding a bus are dismissed to the front of the school, students being picked up are dismissed to the back of the school.
Drop Off/Pick Up during the school day:- If a student is being dropped off at school, they can enter the building and sign in to school without a parent/guardian present.
- If a student is being picked up to leave early, an authorized adult (generally a parent/guardian) must be present to sign the student out. All individuals removing a student from school must be prepared to show ID and be an authorized individual for student pick-up.
Lunch Expectations
For lunch, students can:
1. Get a lunch from the cafeteria (full price or free/reduced for students who applied and qualified). Click here for the school lunch menu.
2. Bring a lunch from home.
3. Pick up a parent delivery from the office.
Students cannot:
1. Receive lunch from another parent.
2. Receive deliveries from a 3rd party company, such as UberEats or Door Dash.
Lunch Deliveries
- Parents/guardians may drop off a lunch for their student only.
- Drinks must be in sealable containers; fountain drinks will not be accepted.
- Lunches/drinks should be clearly labeled with the students' names.
- RESTRICTION: The front office will not accept deliveries from 3rd party vendors (ex: door dash, grubhub).
Bus Rider Information
Student safety is always of the utmost importance and at the top of the priority list for PfISD. The district works directly with its transportation contractor to ensure that eligible students are transported and delivered to and from their school campuses and homes safely.By law (issued from the Department of Public Safety), students are required to have assigned seats and student seating charts must be submitted by the drivers to record student attendance.
The safety of students also requires that all eligible students conduct themselves according to the rules and guidelines put in place by the district, transportation contractor, and bus drivers while students are entering, riding, and exiting the buses.
Transportation services are a privilege, and as such, students must do their part to ensure that these privileges can continue to be enjoyed safely by all who are eligible. Failure to display appropriate conduct, can and will lead to temporary or permanent suspension of riding privileges. Please see the entire list of rules and policies in the Pflugerville ISD Student Transportation Bus Rules document.
NOTE: Students who are not eligible for transportation may not ride the bus. Students cannot change busses to go to a different home after school without prior permission from an administrator and the transportation department. This permission can take some time so please make those arrangements several days in advance.
Game Day Pick-Up
We love having our students attend games and cheer on their peers! It is expected that students make arrangements with their parents to be picked up within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the game. There is a phone in the office if needed; students should ask the administrator on duty for assistance.