- Park Crest Middle School
- Campus Rules & Regulations
As a student at Park Crest Middle School, you are a member of a community that values academic excellence, personal responsibility, and respect for others. In order to maintain a safe and positive learning environment, we have established rules and regulations that apply to all students. It is important that you familiarize yourself with these guidelines and adhere to them at all times. We believe that by working together, we can create a school culture that is conducive to learning and growth.
Campus Rules & Regulations
Student Drop Off/Pick Up
Students may be dropped off before school in the front of the school building. The doors to the building will be opened at 7:50 a.m. each morning. Students should wait in front of the building in an orderly fashion and will be met with staff members when the doors are opened. No cars should enter the parking lot at the rear of the building. This is reserved for buses and faculty parking only during morning drop-off and should not be used during the school day. It is important to remember that there are only two lanes and a third should not be created.
Students may be picked up at the end of the school day beginning at 3:35 pm when school dismisses in the front of the building or by parking in a single line on the curb of Pfennig Lane. All cars that enter the front parking lot must exit the lot, making a right turn only. This allows for flow out of the parking lot. No cars should enter the parking lot at the rear of the building. This is reserved for buses and faculty parking only during afternoon pick-up and should not be used at any time other than a school event or game.
School Supplies
Students at Park Crest Middle School are responsible for bringing materials to school each day. All students should be equipped with paper, pencils, pens, a folder, their Chromebook and their Chromebook charger. All students are allowed to carry a backpack with them to school each day. Any student or family in need of supplies may contact our Parent Liaison by calling the main school number at: 512-594-2400.
Food Delivery
Food delivery is not allowed at Park Crest or any other PfISD campus. Food delivery is defined as food or gifts delivered through companies such as Doordash, UberEats, or other company delivery services. Food that is delivered (even sent to school by a parent or guardian) may be held until the end of the school day. Parents and guardians are welcome to deliver lunch to their own students. Please be mindful of lunch times and understand that lunch times will differ on testing days or other event days.
Attendance Policy
It is imperative that your student attend school each day. While we currently have a learning management system (Canvas) that assists students in completing assignments, it is not comparable to the learning students receive by being present each day. Students who arrive 15 minutes after the class has started will be counted absent. Parents and guardians should expect a phone call from the school when their student has missed 15 minutes or more of any class during the school day.
Documentation After an Absence: A parent must provide an explanation for any absence under the student’s arrival or return to school. The student must submit a note signed by the parent from an entity included in the exemptions under the compulsory attendance laws. The campus may accept a phone call from the parent but reserves the right to require a written note. A note signed by the student will not be accepted unless the student is age 18 or older or is an emancipated minor under state law. The campus will document in its attendance whether the absence is excused or unexcused. Note: The district is not required to excuse any absence, even if the parent provides a note explaining the absence, unless the absence is in an exemption under compulsory attendance laws. (per PfISD website)
Continued absenteeism will lead to interventions by the following: teachers, counselors, principals, and truancy officers.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are not essential in the classroom or school; however, many students possess them. It is important that we, as adults in their lives, teach them how and when to use them. Any phone that is seen or heard in class, whether it is being used or not, may be confiscated by a staff member and turned into the front office. Phones will only be returned to the parent/guardian of the student.
Students MAY use their phones:
- Before School – Outside of the Building
- After School – Beginning when the bell rings for dismissal
- When a faculty or staff member gives permission
Students MAY NOT use their phones:
- In any area of campus once they have arrived inside the building.
- Without faculty or staff permission
Students’ phones will be confiscated when:
- Students are using their phones without permission
- In the hallways, cafeteria, in class or other area of the school
Confiscated Phones → Office
- If a student’s phone is confiscated, take it to the office ASAP and give it to the front desk.
- The person who confiscated the phone must contact the student’s parent/guardian.
- The phone must be picked up by a person on the student’s Skyward account - ID must be provided.
- 1st Time: Return it to the student’s adult without charge
- Additional Times: Return phone to the student’s adult with a $15 charge.
Dress Code Policy
All students are required to follow the Pflugerville ISD dress code found at: https://www.pfisd.net/dress-code. Students out of compliance with the PfISD dress code have the following options:
Call a parent and/or guardian to address dress code needs and have other clothing delivered.
Change clothing to available items available at Park Crest,
Attend In School Suspension for the school day.
Students may not wear pajamas at any time at Park Crest unless it is a designated dress up day.
Tardy Policy
Students are expected to be in class by or before the time the bell rings. Any student who is tardy three times to a class will be referred to their Assistant Principal and may receive consequences beginning with an after-school detention. Regular Tardy Sweeps will take place in the building and any student who is “swept” will receive an after-school detention regardless of the number of times the student has been tardy. Notice of detention will be sent to the students by the Assistant Principals.