Athletics & P.E.


                    1st row (left to right): LaShonda Toliver, Robinlee Pennington, Ana Puentes
                    2nd row (left to right): Jaimie Ochoa, Manuel Duarte, Anthony Castorino, Daniel Alvarez, Matthew Padron

    Boys' Athletic Coordinator: Manuel Duarte
    Girls' Athletic Coordinator: Jaimie Ochoa


    The Mission of the Westview Boys Athletics program is to excel in creating excellent athletic opportunities for students to participate in sports to improve athletic knowledge and skills; Spend quality out-of-school time with supportive, mentoring adults; Gain a better understanding of the diverse world in which we live and the unique cultural differences of its population; Learn how to relate to, and respond to, situations and individuals from a variety of backgrounds; Reflect principles of hard work, integrity, motivation, perseverance and excellence; and Develop habits for a lifetime of physical activity, good health and wellness.


    The vision of the Westview Boys Athletics program is to be an all-inclusive program with the opportunity for athletes to compete at the highest level.