
    Parent Information

    This list gives information about the programs, activities, awards, and volunteer opportunities at Brookhollow Elementary.

    1st Grade Book Parade Bring your favorite book, dress like your favorite character, and parade down the halls of the school while all the other students watch.  Parents are always welcome at this event. (October)

    1st Grade Shoe Box Parade Decorate your very own shoe box with a Texas theme, attach a string and get ready to pull it down the hallways of Brookhollow.  All the other students will come out to watch and parents are welcome to attend. (late February/early March)

    5th Grade Annual Canned Food Drive All items donated are given to local food banks and the class that brings the most food receives a pizza party! Kinder may also sponsor a food drive.  (November) 

    5th Grade Graduation and Dance It’s time for them to move on to middle school so come watch as the 5th grade class processes across the stage and then enjoy a time of celebration afterward.

    Annual Drives Times of collecting items for various charities.  Two examples from the past included books for Libraries of Love and teddy bears for the Pflugerville Police Department. (Throughout the year)

    ARAMARK-- http://www.pfisd.net/dept/food/index.cfm

    ARAMARK Holiday Giveaways A special drawing is held during the holidays for a large prize.

    ARAMARK Lucky Tray Days Students who purchase a school lunch and find a lucky sticker on their tray receive a prize.

    ARAMARK Thanksgiving Meal Sponsored by the cafeteria, all parents and friends are welcome to come and enjoy a meal of turkey and dressing with their students.  (November)

    Book Swap Students bring gently used books to school and trade for others.  Parent volunteers are always needed for this event. (January) 

    Candle Light Lunch A reward for achievement during the six weeks.  Four to five students per class are chosen each six weeks to dine in the library by candle light and have treats.  Every student has a chance to attend.

    District Parent Enrichment Classes Programs taught by professionals to help parents and families develop and encourage their student’s strengths.  See the office staff for more information or view the district calendar at www.pfisd.net/calendar.cfm.

    Fall Pictures School pictures at their best, choose a pose, choose a backdrop, and pre-pay online for the pictures but don’t worry, if they’re not the best your money will be happily refunded.

    Field Day A day of running, jumping, and enjoying the outdoors.  Come watch the students participate in field activities and have a picnic lunch. (March)

    Field Trips Usually two per grade per year, one in the Fall and one in the Spring.  Recurring trips include, 3rd grade attending the Nutcracker, 4th grade visiting the Texas State History Museum, and the 5th grade DARE bowling trip.

    Gifted and Talented (GT) A program to enrich students who meet the qualifications for GT.  Teachers and parents may nominate students. (October)  For more information see Brookhollow Counselor, 594-5226.

    Grade Level Awards Given at the end of the year, a celebration of each child’s achievement during the year.  Times for each grade level are published near the end of the year.

    Grade Level Orientation A time for parents to learn about Brookhollow’s policies and procedures. (August)

    Grandparent’s Day Lunch Calling all grandparents!  Join us for lunch on two special days in September and visit with your grandchild(ren) at Brookhollow.

    Library Book Fair Buy the latest and the classics at this annual book selling event.  Parent volunteers are always needed so be sure and ask Mrs. Collins the librarian how you may help. (November) Visit the library website for more information.

    Meet Your Teacher A time for all students and parents to meet their child’s teacher for the coming year. (August)

    New Student Registration In order to register your student your will need, proof of residency, birth certificate, shot record, and identification. (August)

    Parent Conference Offered in October for all students on two early release days.  Other conferences may be scheduled as requested. (October)

    Parties Three parties are held each year per class, Winter, Valentine's, and End of Year.  Cupcakes or cookies may be brought for a student’s birthday by making arrangements with his/her teacher.  Check with your child’s teacher for specific details.

    POPS Rally A time of celebration at the end of each nine weeks.  Students are rewarded for their accomplishments with ribbons and entertainment.  Parents and friends are welcome to attend.

    PTO Fall Carnival A time of fun, food, and games sponsored by the Brookhollow PTO.  The PTO’s largest fundraiser of the year! Lots of parent volunteers are needed for this event. 

    PTO Family Night Come for cocoa, crafts, and lots of fun as you celebrate the holiday season with other Brookhollow families in the cafeteria. (December)

    PTO Meetings Monthly, usually on the third Tuesday, at 6:30 p.m., in the Brookhollow Cafeteria. Free childcare is available.

    PTO Spring Dance A themed, family-oriented dance held each spring in the Gym with refreshments in the cafeteria for all students K-5.

    PTO Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheons and Baked Goods Events
    Hosted several times a year by the Hospitality Committee, in appreciation for teacher’s dedication to the students at Brookhollow.  Some of the luncheons are catered and others are made possible by parent donations of the main course, desserts, and drinks.   

    Red Ribbon Week A National campaign against drug use.  Days are themed and costumes are encouraged.

    Fall Fundraiser A time when all students are offered the opportunity to help raise money for their school and earn prizes for his/her selling. (October)

    Science Fair A chance for all students to perform an experiment and display what they discover.  Focus is on each child doing as much of the work by themselves as possible while learning about the scientific method.  This is required for all 4th and 5th grade students.  Project viewing time for parents and awards are given.

    Spring Pictures Includes pictures of entire classes as well as individual pictures. (February)

    STAAR Testing State mandated, standardized test given to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. (March-April)

    Wax Museum Thought you knew about history?  See what these wax figures have to say.  They’re actually 5th graders dressed as famous characters of history who are ready to share their stories with you. (May)