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Advanced Middle School Math

PfISD Advanced Mathematics in Middle School

What is Advanced Mathematics in Middle School?

Pflugerville ISD offers advanced mathematics on all of its middle school campuses. These courses allow students to be on a track of coursework that research has shown will better prepare them for postsecondary education opportunities and entering the workforce. 

The Advanced Math Pathway exists at every middle school in PfISD. Students enrolled in our Grade 6 Advanced Math and Grade 7 Advanced Math courses will master all math concepts from the 6th, 7th and 8th grades so that during their final year of middle school, students begin their first high school math course of Algebra I.

Taking Algebra I in 8th grade allows students to enroll in additional, more rigorous math courses during their time in high school. Research shows that students in Central Texas who take higher levels of math coursework have better chances at earning a living wage and completing a postsecondary degree. 

Below is information on how to enroll your child in accelerated math courses in Middle School, along with the benefits of enrolling in Advanced and AP Math courses.

Why take Advanced Math in Middle School?

Central Texas Jobs
By enrolling in Advanced Math in middle school, students begin high school coursework in 8th grade, which allows students the opportunity to reach math courses such as AP Calculus and AP Statistics during high school.  

It is estimated that 2/3 of jobs in Central Texas will require some postsecondary certificate by 2020, yet only 42% of young adults in Texas currently meet that need. Data indicates that students who graduate high school with their highest math course being Algebra II only have an 18% chance of completing any higher education certificate within six years. That number rises significantly if high school students take Pre-Calculus (42%) or a college level math course such as AP Calculus (60%). The bottom line is advanced math is needed to earn a living wage in today’s job market.

How do I enroll my student in Advanced Math in Middle School?

PfISD believes that every student deserves the opportunity to pursue advanced math courses in middle school, and offers entry points into the program for current 5th, 6th, and 7th grade students. 

Enrollment Options for Accelerated Math for current 5th, 6th & 7th Graders

Option 1: Entering 6th Graders — Sign up for Advanced Math when Entering Middle School

All students interested in Advanced Math can sign up for Grade 6 Advanced Math on their 5th grade choice sheet.

*Note: Every 5th grade student who performs in the top 40% in state mathematics exams will automatically be enrolled in Advanced Math in the 6th grade. Families can decide to opt-out of Advanced Math if they feel their student is not ready.

Option 2: Current 6th & 7th Graders -- Sign up for AVID Summer Bridge Program 

Students enrolled in Math 6 or Math 7 who are interested in moving into the Advanced Math Pathway and taking Algebra I during 8th grade are encouraged to attend PfISD’s AVID Summer Bridge Program. This 3-week summer program is free of charge and takes place annually at our PfISD Summer School location. Students in AVID Summer Bridge practice mathematical skills in a high-engagement and collaborative setting and receive 60 hours of contact time with a PfISD math teacher. Students are required to pass a final exam to enroll in Accelerated or Advanced Math coursework the following year. 

Guide to Middle School Math Acceleration Process

What is Hyper-Accelerated Math in Middle School?

Some students and families choose to accelerate in mathematics in order to take both Algebra I and Geometry in middle school. Students who choose to hyper-accelerate in mathematics are required to take a CBE test (Credit By Exam) and receive specific scores in order to skip multiple math courses. Registration information for CBE tests is available through our Advanced Academics website or through your student’s counselor. 

Year in School Academic Math Pathway Recommendations Accelerated Math Pathway Recommendations Hyper-Accelerated Math Pathway Recommendations
5th Grade Math 5 Math 5 Math 5
6th Grade Math 6 Advanced Math 6 Advanced Math 7
*Required CBE process
7th Grade Math 7 Advanced Math 7 Algebra I
8th Grade Math 8 - Intro to Algebra Algebra I Advanced Geometry
9th Grade Algebra I Advanced Geometry Advanced Algebra II
10th Grade Geometry Advanced Algebra II Advanced Pre-Cal*
11th Grade Algebra II Advanced Pre-Calculus AP Calculus
AP Statistics
Math Independent Study
12th Grade Pre-Calculus
Advanced Quantitative Reasoning
College Pre Math
AP Calculus
AP Statistics

 *Students may take AP Statistics following completion of Advanced Algebra II; consult with academic advisor to determine math pathway best suited to future planning. 

Are there other times in my student’s academic career that they can accelerate in math beyond Middle School?

Absolutely! Not all students are ready to accelerate in mathematics in middle school, and will take Algebra I in 9th grade. PfISD offers both Geometry and Pre-Calculus as Summer Bridge Programs during summer school. Any student can sign up to take these courses over 6-weeks in the summer and advance to the next course in their learning progression the following year. Students are required to pass a final exam to earn credit for the course.  

In addition, some students elect to enroll in two math courses during the same academic year, such as taking Geometry & Algebra II simultaneously. This option should only be reserved for students who have the intention of taking an AP course their senior year, and cannot make a summer commitment to a Bridge Program. 

Middle School- High School Course Agreement

Any high school course that is offered in middle school will count towards a student's high school transcript. To ensure that students understand this implication, we ask for students to read and sign the linked Agreement of Understanding and return it to their instructor. 

More Options Down the Road

By taking advanced math courses in middle school, your child is set up to have more options in high school. It is important that students discuss their options with both their family and school counselor. Taking advantage of PfISD’s Advanced Math Pathway could help your child enter college with math credits earned and expedite their path to success in college.


To see answers to frequently asked questions about Advanced Math programming, please see the FAQ linked here

Course Overviews

To better understand the compacted curriculum used in Advanced Math programming, you can review course overviews here