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Pflugerville Independent School District

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Programs of Study requiring Intra-District Transfer

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Programs of Study requiring Intra-District Transfer:

Not every program of study, or CTE course, is offered at all high school campuses, but all programs are open to all PfISD students. Below is a list of CTE programs available for transfer.

Students interested in pursuing one of the following programs of study may apply for an Intra-District transfer (IDT) through the PfISD Student Transfer application process. The transfer period opens March of each school year. For exact dates and more information, please visit the PfISD Student Transfer Information website for more information, or call the Office of Student Affairs at 512-594-0046. District transportation is currently provided for students transferring for P-TECH academies only.

  • Applied Ag Engineering (HHS and WHS)
  • Animal Science (HHS, PHS, WHS)
  • Automotive Career Academy (PHS)
  • Construction Technology (CHS, HHS, PHS)
  • Culinary Arts (CHS)
  • Animation and Multimedia Arts (CHS, HHS, PHS)
  • Marketing and Sales (HHS, PHS)
  • Plant Science (HHS, PHS)
  • P-TECH Computer and Information Technology (CIT) Academy (CHS)
  • P-TECH Pfuture Teacher Academy (WHS)

Two programs do not require transfer

The Fire & EMT Academy

District transportation to Hendrickson HS from the home campus is available, if needed. Students report to Hendrickson HS for the firefighter course during 11th and 12th grade years, and complete all other courses at their home campus.

Healthcare Therapeutics EMT

District transportation to Hendrickson HS from the home campus is available, if needed. Students report to Hendrickson HS for the Practicum in Health Science-EMT course during 12th grade, and complete all other courses at their home campus.