Support and Resources
Support and Resources
Pflugerville ISD has compiled these resources to serve only as general information. We do not guarantee that any service on this page is current or up-to-date. This list does not indicate an endorsement of any kind, and it does not represent all available community resources. The inclusion on this list does not indicate any relationship between Pflugerville ISD and the service provider. Please contact the service provider directly to learn more about available services.
- Alcohol & Substance Abuse Resources
- Counseling and Family Support Resources
- Employment Assistance
- Financial & Food Assistance
Alcohol & Substance Abuse Resources
The presence of an agency or service in this listing does not constitute an endorsement, nor does the absence indicate disapproval. Every effort has been made to provide current and correct information.
Adolescent Substance Use Outpatient Treatment Services
Comprehensive drug and alcohol education and services for adolescents and families of adolescents, age 13-18 who are experiencing substance use issues. This service is provided through Austin Travis County Integral Care.
Contact Info:
825 E. Rundberg Ln.
Austin, TX 78753
105 W Riverside Suite 120
Austin, TX 78704
Group support for families dealing with an alcoholic member. Call for the location of the group that meets nearest your home and for times of meetings. Teen and pre-teen programs are available. Provides pamphlets and other materials. Bilingual meetings available.
Contact Info:
1307 G. Treadwell
Austin, TX 78704
Alcoholics Anonymous
AA is an informal meeting for recovering alcoholics whose primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety. AA groups provides support to each other by "sharing experience, strength, and hope" often by working the suggested 12-steps together.
Contact Info:
512) 444-0071
Clean Investment Inc. and Counseling Centers
CICC provides outpatient substance abuse treatment Special Programs/Groups: Adolescents. Sliding fee scale.
Contact Info:
2406 Manor Rd.
Austin, TX. 78722
La Hacienda Treatment Center
La Hacienda is dedicated to serving the needs of alcohol and chemically dependent individuals and their families. Also focus on working closely with referring professionals to ensure the most effective and successful solutions to recovery. Residential and day treatment.
Contact Info:
(Outreach, Screening, Assessment, Referral) is a free service funded by Texas State Department of Health Services for individuals who need help due to alcohol and/or drugs, are Texas residents, have no income or are financially challenged.
Contact Info:
56 East Ave.
Austin, TX 78701
Round Rock
1009 N. Georgetown St
Round Rock, TX 78664
Palmer Drug Abuse Program
A faith-based program, which shares its experiences on understanding how to solve common problems and help others to recover from the effects of mind-altering drugs.
Contact Info:
512- 927-0422
Phoenix Academy
Residential and outpatient alcohol and substance abuse treatment center for adolescents.
Contact Info:
400 W Live Oak St
Austin, TX 78704
512-440-0613 x4741
The Oaks Treatment Center
Residential and outpatient programs to help kids, ages 5-17, who struggle through their day due to an array of behavioral, emotional, and/or developmental problems.
Contact Info:
1407 W. Stassney Lane
Austin, TX 78745
Substance Abuse Treatment in Austin has resources on its website including a list of treatment centers in the area.
Contact Info:
The presence of an agency or service in this listing does not constitute an endorsement, nor does the absence indicate disapproval. Every effort has been made to provide current and correct information.
Not find a resource you needed? Call the United Way’s First Call For Help information and referral hotline for additional local resources. Dial 2-1-1 or go to
Counseling and Family Support Resources
Name & Description | Contact Information |
Provided personalized, community-based services that improve the quality of life for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers. |
512.476.7044 2818 San Gabriel Austin, TX 78705 E-mail: |
Austin Child Guidance Center --- En Espanol Dedicated to improving the mental health of children and their families, a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and counselors provides individual, family, and group therapy; psychiatric and psychological services; parent education; community presentations and consultations. |
512.451.2242 810 W. 45th Street |
Kids Exchange Network is a network of private providers administered by the Travis County Domestic Relations Office. This program helps children and their parents with parenting time issues who are experiencing difficulties with divorce or separation. The services can be ordered by the court to assure custodial or visitation terms of a decree are carried out. |
512.854.9696 |
Social and counseling services are provided through strategically located community-based centers that offer a continuum of services for the client and his or her family. LifeWorks currently operates 3 multi-service centers in Austin, 4 sites dedicated to housing and serving homeless and runaway youth, and a service site in Round Rock. |
Main: 512.735.2400 North: 512.324.6870 8913 Collinfield Drive Emergency Shelter 512.441.6914 E-mail: |
NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness Dedicated to improving the lives of those with mental illness and their family members. NAMI offers information, referrals and support groups. |
512.420.9810 E-mail: |
Offers peer support groups, counseling, educational program, social activities and community outreach to gay, lesbian and transgendered and questioning youth ages 12-19 in Central Texas. |
512.419.1233 909 E. 49th 1/2 St. Austin, TX 78751 E-mail: |
STARRY nurtures children, strengthens families, and restores hope through family counseling, fatherhood, and family preservation services. |
Counseling 512.388.8290 E-mail: |
Texas Runaway Hotline - En Espanol Helps with comprehensive information and referrals to shelter, counseling, medical assistance, and related services; confidential conference calls to parents; conference calls to shelters and agencies in the caller’s area to confirm appropriate and available services; message relay service that helps runaways contact families on their own terms, which not only helps give parents peace of mind, but promotes communication; and assistance to runaways who wish to access Operation Home Free, a service that provides free transportation. |
1.888.580.4357 1.888.580.HELP |
Texas Youth Hotline - En Espanol Provides prevention services to  youths, parents, siblings, and other family members who are in need of a caring voice and listening ear. The Hotline counselors also assist youth advocates, such as, police, caseworkers, counselors and school officials by locating state and local resources. |
1.800.989.6884 1.800.98.YOUTH |
Not find a resource you needed? Review Child Inc's Community Resource Directory or call 2-1-1 for the United Way’s First Call For Help Information and Referral Hotline for additional local resources.
Employment Assistance
Employment Assistance
Name and Description | Contact Info |
Austin Area Urban League Comprehensive community support program providing referrals to assistance agencies, housing, educational scholarships for H.S. graduates, job training, career and personal development. Evening computer training, GED, after school enrichment programs. Summer youth programs for grades 6-12th from 8:00am to 5:00pm M-F. After-school program M-TH. Emergency home repairs for homeowner w/crisis situations. Housing location assistance and advocacy. |
(512) 478-7176 1033 La Posada Dr. Ste 150 Austin, TX 78752
Gary Job Corps Vocational training for boys & girls ages 16-24 |
(800) 733-5627 |
Goodwill Industries Provides free job search assistance for people with barriers to employment, such as low incomes and limited access to education, housing, or health care. Services include case management, client and employer follow-up, and supportive assistance as needed. |
(512)637-7100 |
Texas Workforce Commission Job search and placement services |
(512) 463-2222 |
The presence of an agency or service in this listing does not constitute an endorsement, nor does the absence indicate disapproval. Every effort to provide current and correct information has been made.
Not find a resource you needed? Call the United Way’s First Call For Help information and referral hotline for additional local resources. Dial 2-1-1 or go to
Financial & Food Assistance
Name and Description | Contact Info |
Baptist Community Center Food assistance. Also offers limited financial assistance with emergency prescriptions, utilities and rent. Clothing sales room (low cost). Call for an appointment. Photo I.D. and Social Security card needed. Please provide proof of address and notices indicating need for financial assistance. Make appointment for assistance with food; breads and sweets given everyday, no appointment necessary. Hours of operation M-F 9:30-12:00 pm and 1-5 pm. |
(512) 478-7243 2000 East 2nd Street Austin, TX 78702 |
Caritas of Austin Food services: Community Kitchen Mon-Fri 11:00am-12:30pm—free lunch to anyone in need; food pantry for Caritas clients only. Housing services: Offer permanent supportive housing for those that are chronically homeless and disabled; provide housing for refugees referred by the Department of State; provide one time rental/utility assistance (must meet eligibility requirements). Education services: Offer financial literacy classes, ESL classes, and refugee orientation classes. Also offer Employment Services |
(512) 479-4610 611 Neches Austin, TX 78701 rental/utility assistance call (512) 472-4135 |
Christian Service Center Assistance to pay rent and utilities one time only. Must bring cut-off notices or eviction notices and try Caritas first. |
(512) 476-9584 University Ave. Church of Christ 1908 University Ave. #108 Austin, TX 78705 |
Pflugerville Neighborhood Center Travis County Department of Human Services Limited financial assistance available for basic human needs; rent/mortgage, utilities, food, prescriptions/medical supplies, transportation, indigent burials, clothing and referrals to other public assistance programs. Each center has a food pantry and clothing closet. Case management assistance available. Assistance denial letters can be obtained for verification with other agencies. |
(512) 251-4168 15822 Foothill Farms Loop Bldg D Pflugerville, TX 78660 |
The presence of an agency or service in this listing does not constitute an endorsement, nor does the absence indicate disapproval. Every effort has been made to provide current and correct information.
Not find a resource you needed? Call the United Way’s First Call For Help information and referral hotline for additional local resources. Dial 2-1-1 or go to