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Pflugerville Independent School District

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District Gifted Advisory

District Gifted Advisory Committee

The District Gifted Advisory group will consist of at least one parent per feeder pattern (preferably two - one elementary and one secondary), one elementary, middle and high school administrator or counselor, and one elementary, middle, and high school GT Lead.  Teachers and other district staff are also encouraged to apply.  The minimum number of participants will be 10, and the maximum number of participants will be 25.
Pflugerville ISD parents of gifted learners are also encouraged to apply to represent their campus feeder pattern as a Parent Adviser for Gifted Education (PAGE).  District GT Advisory PAGE’s will:
  • participate in district gifted advisory meetings
  • learn more about gifted education in Pflugerville ISD
  • share ideas to help continuously improve GT services districtwide 


All interested stakeholders should apply here. Applications are due by Friday, September 22, 2023. Applicants will be contacted to serve on the committee before the first meeting in October.

District Advisory Meeting Dates:

All meetings are from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Location will be emailed to selected applicants with additional instructions for prep work prior to each meeting.

October 24

December 5

February 20

April 23


Note: Campuses are encouraged to have one GT parent on their campus advisory council.  Campus principals will select at least one GT parent to serve on the campus advisory council.  Parents should contact their campus principal to serve on the campus advisory.

Together we make a difference in the lives of gifted children.