Parent and Community Involvement

Information and Events To Support Gifted Learners
PfISD will communicate with parents and encourages parent participation in these ways:
- District Gifted and Talented program website
- Course guides and choice sheets
- Communication with parents during campus open house nights
- Parent Newsletters - Elementary
- Parent Information Presentations - available online and at campus presentations
- Elemenatary Product Fair at campuses to allow students opportunity to display their research projects to parents and other interested parties
In District Opportunities:
1. PAGE - Parent Advisory for Gifted Education: At least one parent per feeder pattern (preferably two - one elementary and one secondary) will be selected to serve on a district advisory group. The number of parents selected should not exceed 20.
Parents are encouraged to lead SENG-Model Parent support groups. To learn more about this opportunity visit the SENG webpage.
Out of District Opportunities:
Links To Explore:
- Davidson's Institute for the Gifted
- National Research Center for Gifted and Talented
- Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented
- National Association for Gifted Children
- Twitter gtchat
- Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted
- Differentiation
Selected articles from Sylvia Rimm on Raising Kids: A Newsletter to Help Parents and Teachers
- Solving the Mysterious Underachievement Problem
- How to Parent so Children will Learn
- Rimm's Laws of Achievement
- Why Do Bright Children Underachieve?
- What's Wrong with Perfect?