Food Allergy Management Plan
PfISD Food Allergy Management Plan
In response to the increase in students with diagnosed food allergies at risk for anaphylaxis, Senate Bill 27 (2011, 82nd Legislative Session) amends Chapter 38 of the Texas Education Code by adding Section 38.0151. This section requires the Board of Trustees of each school district to adopt and administer a policy for the care of students with diagnosed food allergies at risk for anaphylaxis. This policy requires each school district to develop and implement a student food allergy management plan, which includes training for employees on allergies and anaphylaxis, general strategies to reduce the risk of exposure to common food allergies, methods for requesting specific food allergy information from parents of students with diagnosed food allergies, implementation of food allergy action plans and an annual review of the district’s management plan.
Anaphylaxis is a sudden, severe allergic reaction. The most dangerous symptoms include breathing difficulties, a drop in blood pressure, or shock. Common examples of potentially life-threatening allergies are those related to foods or stinging insects. Other allergic reactions may also occur when taking medications, latex, or while exercising. The emergency treatment is Epinephrine, which is usually supplied in Epinephrine auto-injectors (for example, EpiPen® and EpiPen Jr® or TWINJECT®). Pflugerville ISD has developed guidelines to manage students with these life-threatening allergies so that they may safely participate in the educational process.
PfISD food allergy management plan will be individualized for all students who have severe food allergies and are at risk for anaphylaxis. Students at risk for anaphylaxis from other allergens will also have individualized management plans.
The goals for the District-wide food allergy management plan include:
- Provide a safe and healthy learning environment for students with food allergies;
- Reduce the likelihood of severe or potentially life-threatening allergic reactions;
- Ensure a rapid and effective response in the case of a severe or potentially life-threatening allergic reaction and
- Protect the rights of food-allergic students to participate in all school activities.
School Guidelines for Managing Students with Food Allergies
Food allergies can be life-threatening. The risk of accidental exposure can be reduced in the school setting if schools work with students, parents, and physicians to minimize risks and provide a safe, educational environment for food-allergic students.
PfISD Student Health Services Anaphylaxis Management Protocol
- School Nurse will determine if there is a student with a history or risk of anaphylaxis on the school campus by reviewing:
- Current school year electronic student Health History information completed by parent;
- Student Critical Alert Information in Skyward computer system;
- Health Condition information in Skyward computer system.
- School Nurse will schedule a meeting with the parent/guardian of the student to determine:
- Previous medical history - use Allergy Questionnaire
- Type and level of care that the parent is seeking for their student
- EpiPen kept in nurse's office?
- Benadryl (if needed) kept in nurse's office?
- EpiPen carried by student (with approval)?
- School Nurse will collaborate with the student (age appropriate), parent/guardian, and physician to:
- As part of the student's completed Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan, review medical orders for:
- Benadryl (if needed) and/or EpiPen to be administered at school as needed
- Student to carry EpiPen (physician, parent, and nurse will need to sign off that student has knowledge/ability to carry EpiPen on self.)
- Have supplies (Benadryl and/or EpiPen) at school or with student per physician orders.
- Obtain the Nutrition Rx form, completed by MD, to allow modifications/changes to tray through the Nutrition Department
- Obtain a completed Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
- As part of the student's completed Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan, review medical orders for:
- School Nurse will:
- Prepare the student-specific Classroom Action Plan.
- Prepare the Individual Health Care Plan as needed.
- Present all staff with a basic overview of food allergy, possible signs and symptoms, and what to do in an emergency.
- Notify appropriate school staff who need to know about a specific student's condition (teachers, PE teacher/coach, cafeteria staff, and administrative staff).
- Train designated staff on the student-specific signs, symptoms, and medical management of anaphylaxis and document such training.
- Train designated staff on the student's "Classroom Action Plan" and the use of the EpiPen.
- Educate staff that the "Emergency Plan" and medication(s) (Benadryl and/or EpiPen) must accompany the student on all field trips.
- Provide staff retraining as needed throughout the school year.
- After an event, the school nurse will complete an Epinephrine Administration Record. The campus nurse and the Director of Health and Safety will conduct an initial review to determine what went well and what needs to be improved. The Epinephrine Administration Record will be reviewed as part of this initial review.
- Additional review of the event will be completed by the Food Allergy Management team, parent, student (age appropriate), and a physician (if applicable). Any necessary changes will be made to the management plan.