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Pflugerville Independent School District

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Medication Administration Policy and Guidelines

Medication Administration Policy and Guidelines

Prescription or non-prescription medication required by a student should be administered at home by a parent or by the student’s medical provider whenever possible. Parents should make every effort to have medication administration set for time periods other than during school hours to avoid disruption of the student’s school day. However, PfISD recognizes that it may be necessary, in some instances, for a student to receive medication during school hours. When home administration is not possible, authorized PfISD staff may assist in the administration of medications to students during school hours in accordance with the following guidelines and Board policy. School nurses will act in compliance with the Nurse Practice Act (NPA) at all times and will not administer medication in a manner that conflicts with their professional duties and expectations under the NPA or PfISD policies. 

PfISD Administration of Medication

  • For every medication to be given out during the school day, the campus nurse must have a form on file, signed by the prescribing doctor. Forms must be signed on or after June 1 to be valid for the upcoming school year and will apply to that school year only. 

  • PfISD staff will only administer those medications that must be given during the school day. If the therapeutic use of the medication can be accomplished by dosage outside the school day, the medication should not be administered at school. Medication with orders to be given three times daily or less should be administered at home unless the prescribing physician orders the medication to be given at a specific time during school hours. 

  • Except as otherwise provided herein, only the school nurse, nurse substitute, health aide, or school employee designated by the Principal may administer medication to students. In addition, senior nursing students, with authorization from the clinical instructor, may administer medications under the direct supervision of the campus RN. Clinic volunteers may not administer medications. 

  • The school nurse shall accept no more than a 30-day supply of a student’s medication. 

  • The school will not administer expired medication. 

  • School personnel shall not administer medication at a dosage that exceeds the recommended maximum dosage stated in the most current Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR). 

  • The school will not give the first dose of any medication. All first doses of medication must be given at home, so the parent can monitor for side effects or adverse reactions. 

  • Medications requiring emergency interventions must be accompanied by an Emergency Action Plan completed and signed by the physician, along with the parent's authorization signature.
    • Inhalers 
    • EpiPens
    • Seizure Medications
    • Adrenal Insufficiency

  • The school nurse shall count controlled substances at least once a week with a witness and record all counts on the back of the Parent/Physician Request for Administration of Medication form. 

  • Medications prescribed by out-of-state physicians who are registered and licensed to practice medicine in the USA may be administered for no longer than 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the parent must provide a prescription issued by a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Texas.

  • Best practice indicates that medication can be given up to 30 minutes prior to or past the scheduled time. Therefore, if Pflugerville ISD has a delayed start or early release that is greater than 30 minutes before or past the scheduled time of routine medication administration, the medication will not be administered at school. 

  • The campus nurse retains the right to refuse to dispense the medication during school hours, if in his/her opinion it is in conflict with the Texas Board of Nurse Examiners Rules and Regulations, or the medication is not labeled by the FDA for the age group or purpose for which it is requested to be given. This may include narcotic pain medications that are dispensed during the school day. 

  • A request for a physician to clarify orders or have ongoing communication to address health issues may occur

At-School Medication Administration Guidelines