Staff Wellness and Health Program
PfISD Staff Wellness Program
The Pflugerville ISD Staff Wellness Program invites you to consider participating in any or all of the activities provided. Our site Wellness CHAMPS welcome any suggestions our employees might have. PfISD promotes a culture for learning and working that empowers individuals to value healthy lifestyle choices.
Let's GET Ready...GET Set... GET Healthy and Fit!
Wellness Council Mission Statement
Our mission is to promote wellness opportunities that empower staff to become aware of and make choices towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.
We are committed to modeling healthy lifestyle habits for our families, peers, and students.
District Wellness Values:
We believe that...
- The staff deserves health awareness education, physical wellness education, stress management education, and nutrition-focused education.
- PfISD shall promote engagement in employee wellness activities at suitable District and campus events.
- All individuals have worth.
District Wellness Vision:
Our employees are...
- Productive employees committed to the community, district and to a health and wellness program.
- Enthusiastic participants committed to self-awareness and self-improvement.
- Capable of attaining personal goals to enjoy the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.
- Effective decision-makers and positive role models who will communicate and share an understanding of the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices.
PfISD Wellness Program Plan:
- Each employee can derive value from impactful Health Awareness programming.
- Each employee can derive value from beneficial Physical Activity opportunities.
- Each employee can derive value from embedded Stress Management strategies.
- Each employee can derive value from an evidence-based approach to improving health through Nutrition Education.
Wellness Coordinator
Ralph A. Hoard, III