Multilingual Instruction
The Multilingual Department puts into action the Pflugerville ISD belief that diversity is our strength and that all students have the right to diverse educational opportunities.
The Multilingual Department provides district bilingual and English as a Second Language programs to support the linguistic, cognitive and emotional needs of emergent bilingual students in compliance with Chapter 89 of the Texas Education Code, including one-way and two-way dual language programs and the ESL program.
We work with our schools and families to develop and expand one-way and two-way dual language opportunities for our students at the elementary level and offer advanced Spanish courses at the middle and high school levels.
The Multilingual Department also collaborates with other district teams and community partners to assist families who have recently arrived in the United States. Supports include the Newcomer Academy at Westview Middle School and Connally High School, as well as our PfISD International Welcome Center.