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Pflugerville Independent School District

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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

  • DAAC (District Academic Advisory Council)


DAAC (District Academic Advisory Council)

Every school district in the State of Texas is required to establish a committee that regularly meets to plan for the improvement of student performance. In Pflugerville ISD, this committee is called the District Academic Advisory Council, or DAAC. The role of the DAAC is primarily advisory and consultative in nature, and:
  • assists in the development, review, revision of the district plan
  • reviews major district-wide classroom instructional programs identified by the Board, Superintendent, or his/her designee
  • reviews student performance
  • reviews drop-out information
  • approves portions of the district plan dealing with teacher training
The DAAC consist of campus-based professional staff, District-level professional staff, parents, businesses, and the community. As required by law, at least 2/3 of the district/campus staff must be classroom teachers. Staff members on the DAAC are elected by their peers. Non-staff members are selected from volunteers. In addition to state regulations governing the selection of committee members, very effort is made to select non-staff members representing ethnic, grade, and program diversity.

The DAAC meets approximately four times a year. All meetings begin at 4:30 p.m., in the Pflugerville Administration Building Board Room. After each meeting, minutes are posted on the District’s website. Agendas are set by the Chief Academic and Innovation Officer, Brandy Baker, the chair of the DAAC, with input from the DAAC committee.
DAAC meetings for this school year can be found here.
To receive additional information or to join DAAC, please contact Sabrina Spires at 512-594-0196, or your campus principal.  

CAAC (Campus Academic Advisory Council)

Each campus in PfISD has a Campus Academic Advisory Council (CAAC). The purpose of the CAAC is to create the Campus Improvement Plan as well as have input on teacher professional development and the school budget. The CAAC is made up of campus teaching staff and administrators, a central office administrator, as well as parents, business and community members. If you are interested in serving on the CAAC at your child's school please contact your campus principal.


SHAC (School Health Advisory Council)

The School Health Advisory Council or SHAC was established as part of a statewide initiative. 

The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is comprised of district staff, parents and community organizations who collaborate to establish healthy behaviors and environments for the staff and students within our school district. The SHAC focuses on Nutrition, Health Services, Staff Wellness, Counseling & Psychological Services, Healthy Environments, Health & Physical Education, and Family & Community. This advisory group can review policy and submit change recommendations to the district leadership for approval.

The SHAC meets five times during the school year. All meetings begin at 6 p.m. and take place in the Board Room at 1401 W. Pecan St. Please contact Health Services at 512-594-0113 if you are interested in joining or need more information.

SHAC meetings scheduled for this school year have not yet been set. Please refer back to this page for updates.


Parent Involvement

A district-wide parent involvement advisory committee consisting of representation from parents, community members, students, teachers and principals is established each year. The purpose of the advisory committee is to evaluate the content and effectiveness of the District's parental involvment program as it specifically relates to Title I programs. If you are the parent of a child attending a Title I school and would like to participate on this advisory board you may contact the Director of Federal & State Programs at 512-594-0106.

PfISD Libraries

PfISD Librarians are always in need of parents and community members to help in the library. Library jobs volunteers can help with are: checking out/checking in books, shelving books, mending books, maintaining the magazines and newspapers, helping students find books, helping with bulletin boards and displays, delivering materials to classrooms, greeting students coming into the library, etc. There are just so many things that our volunteers can do and they are so appreciated by our librarians.

If you are interested in becoming a school library helper please contact your school's librarian or email the Coordinator of Library Services Kara Johnson.