Critical Updates
Critical Updates
Important information regarding health, safety, and other pertinent topics can be found here on the Critical Updates page. Updates on this page will not replace other forms of emergency communication, but this serves as a place for parents to find more information concerning timely issues. Please monitor this page for the latest updates and information during the school year. It’s also essential that you continue to check your phone, email, and District Facebook page when incidents occur on a campus or District level.
Updates will be removed approximately 24 hours after the alert is resolved.
Click on the image above to report any threats made to harm anyone on campus, any suspicious activity on a campus, bullying and cyberbullying, cheating on schoolwork, dating violence/abuse, depression, self-harm/cutting, drug/tobacco/vaping/alcohol use on campus, eating disorders, or family abuse/neglect.
Copperfield ES is currently without power and phones. Techs are on site, but we do not have an estimate for restoration yet. Our school day will proceed as normal, and teachers will adjust learning activities as needed. We will provide more detailed updates when available.
Riojas ES is currently without power and phones. Techs are on site and are estimating that service will be restored by 9:30 a.m. Our school day will proceed as normal, and teachers will adjust learning activities as needed. We will provide more detailed updates when available.
Learn More
Inclement Weather Protocols
Outlines the protocols and communication for inclement weather.
Standard Response Protocol
Outlines the use and process for the Standard Response Protocol, including Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, Shelter, and Hold protocols.