Section 504
Section 504 — Just what exactly is it? Every school district addresses Section 504 in a different manner. School districts do have the right and responsibility to establish their own policies and procedures for implementing Section 504.
What follows are answers to basic questions about implementing Section 504 in Pflugerville Independent School District.
- What is Section 504?
- Who is covered by Section 504?
- Who is an "individual with a disability"?
- What is an "impairment" as used under the Section 504 definition?
- What are "major life activities"?
- What does "substantially limits" mean?
- Who can refer a child for consideration for evaluation under Section 504?
- Does the school have to refer a student to 504 and conduct an evaluation if the student has been placed in a private or homeschool by his/her parents?
- Who decides whether a student is qualified and eligible for services under Section 504?
- What information is used in a Section 504 Evaluation?
- Can my child be placed under Section 504 without my knowledge?
- What types of accommodations will my child receive if determined eligible under Section 504?
- Will my child still be in the regular classroom or will he/she be in a "special class"?
- Can my child still be disciplined under Section 504?
- If I disagree with the school's evaluation, will the school district pay for an outside independent evaluation?
- How often will my child be re-evaluated?
- Will my child still be able to participate in non-academic services?
- What Are My Rights as a Parent under Section 504?
- Does TEA (Texas Education Agency) have jurisdiction over Section 504?
- Who do I contact if I have questions about Section 504?