Applying Policy and Law
1. Is the district required to provide a student transfer process that allows students to attend a campus other than the one to which they are zoned?
No, but the district has chosen to offer a student transfer process.
2. How do I find the governing policy on-line?
Governing policy may be located here:
FDA Regulation - Out of District Transfers
FDB Regulation - Intra District Transfers
Applying for Transfer Requests - ODT
1. How do I initiate a transfer request for my child?
Please visit Transfer Application to complete a transfer application.
2. How do I initiate a new programmatic transfer for my child?
Programmatic transfers requests are included in the regular transfer application. Transfers are not required for Fire & EMT Academy or the Healthcare Therapeutics EMT Program. Programmatic transfers will only be accepted to open campuses.
3. If my ODT application is approved this school year, will I need to apply next school year?
Yes, according to Board Policy FDA (LOCAL), an ODT application must be submitted annually.
4. What is the process the district uses to determine whether a campus is open to accept transfers?
Projected enrollment for the campus must be below 95% of the capacity of the campus. Elementary campuses will not accept transfers in grades where projected enrollment exceeds 19:1 for grades K-4 and 22:1 for grade 5.
5. Will my child receive transportation services if my ODT Application is approved?
No, on an ODT Transfer, you are responsible for providing transportation for your child.
6. May I submit more than one application per school year?
No, only one application per child, per school year will be accepted for consideration. However, if the ODT application was denied due to space, you will be given an opportunity to request another campus.
7. May I request a specific Campus on the ODT?
Yes, as long as it is an open campus.
8. May I go to a campus on my own and request/arrange for an out-of-district transfer for my child?
We ask that you not go to a campus as the on-line application process was developed to streamline the process. If you do not have access to the internet or a computer at home, please visit the Administration Building, at 1401 W. Pecan, for assistance.
9. May I, as a Pflugerville ISD employee, submit an ODT application for my child to attend a campus that is closer to the campus where I work?
Yes, you may apply for an ODT transfer to an open campus closer to the campus where you work.
10. As an Aramark employee or someone who holds a temporary or part-time position within PfISD (such as a substitute teacher), may I submit an application as an employee for my child to transfer?
Yes. All employees (Full-Time, Part-Time, Food Service and Guest Educators), regardless of position type are able to submit an application for an IDT.
11. How will I know when my application has been received or the status of my application?
Upon submission, you will receive a message that the application was successfully submitted.The approval or denial decision will be sent, via email, to the parent/guardian who submitted the ODT request. The first round of decisions should be sent via email in mid-May. Completed ODT applications received after the first transfer window (March - April 2024) will be processed as they are received. Decision emails will be sent no later than two weeks from the application submission date.
12. Will my child be permitted to participate in sports if he/she is approved for an ODT to attend high school?
If your child is approved to attend a high school as the result of your ODT Application, he/she may not participate in varsity level athletics for one calendar year; however, participation in JV, sophomore, or freshman level athletics is permitted.
13. Is there a chance that one of my children could be approved for a transfer to the campus I requested and the other one be denied for the same campus?
Yes, this could happen for a number of reasons. Please refer to the Reasons for a Denied Request section for more information.
14. When will I know if my ODT Application has been approved or denied?
Email notifications will be sent from the campus principal. Transfer decisions are generally rendered within two weeks of receipt of a completed application, which includes the following:
- Copy of the most recent report card;
- Documentation of the last two (2) semesters’ attendance records (absences and tardies);
- Documentation of the last two (2) semesters’ discipline records (a copy of all referrals or a “clean” record or statement signed by a school official);
- Current high school transcript (including early credit courses taken in middle school, if applicable);
- Special Education Records (current IEP/FIE); Section 504 records with current Accomodation Plan; ESL records with Home Language Survey, if applicable; and/or
- Bilingual records, if applicable.
These records can be sent to
If your transfer is approved, take a copy of the transfer approval email to register your child at the approved campus.
15. Does a campus have a cap on the number of students it will accept?
Yes. PfISD will follow guidelines for space availability when considering the acceptance of any student transfer (see question #4). These guidelines are essential to ensuring adequate teacher-to-student ratios.
16. Can a student enrolled in the District on an ODT approval be removed from PfISD?
Yes. Students in the District, through ODT approval, must continue to meet district expectations in order to maintain enrollment. Revoked transfers are effective immediately at the conclusion of an affirmative finding as a result of the administrative withdrawal process.If a transfer is revoked, the student is ineligible to apply for a transfer for one year.
2010-11 Cohort
All students who were transfer students in the 2010-2011 school year (10-11 Cohort) and maintained their transfer status will be allowed to remain in the feeder pattern they transferred into through their graduation. Siblings of these transfer students will be permitted to attend the same campuses as their brother or sister. The 10-11 Cohort will not need to reapply yearly. Siblings will not be required to re-apply after their initial application.
If students in the 10-11 Cohort declare a preference to return to the feeder pattern of the home-zoned school they will no longer be considered part of the 10-11 Cohort. This, however, will not impact the status of siblings.
1. If my child is on a transfer now do I need to reapply?
Students in the 10-11 Cohort do not need to re-apply.
Parents of students in the 10-11 Cohort must notify the district if they intend to move their student back to their home school. Those students in 5th grade or 8th grade, who continue as transfer students, must choose a middle school or high school if they attend an elementary school or middle school that feeds the schools at the next grade level.
2. If my child is moving up to middle or high school, but I want him/her to stay in the same feeder pattern as the elementary school he/she just completed rather than attend the zoned campus, do I need to complete an IDT Application?
If your student is part of the 10-11 Cohort you do not have to re-apply. You must, however, notify the Department of Student Affairs of your middle or high school selection if they are attending a campus which feeds more than one campus.