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Pflugerville Independent School District

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Boundary Adjustments 2021-2022

Boundary Adjustments 2021-2022

February 4, 2021

The PfISD School Board has Approved New Boundaries 

On February 4, the PfISD School Board met and approved new attendance zones for the District's two new campuses that will open in August 2021: Jessica Carpenter Elementary and Bohls Middle School.

The Mott Elementary, Pflugerville Elementary, Barron Elementary, Wieland Elementary, Kelly Lane Middle School, Park Crest Middle School, and Dessau Middle School zones will be adjusted to accommodate the new campuses. 

Additionally, the Board also approved a new attendance zone for Elementary #23 that will go into effect for the 2022-2023 school year when the campus opens.  The Mott Elementary, Riojas Elementary, Murchison Elementary, Brookhollow Elementary, Pflugerville Elementary, Pflugerville High School, and Weis High School zones will be adjusted as well due to the new campus.

For a more in-depth look at the approved changes, please see the “APPROVED Boundary Changes for 2021-2022” and “APPROVED Boundary Changes for 2022-2023” links in the “Resources” section on this webpage. 

December 2020

Pflugerville ISD is Opening 3 New Campuses!

In a measure to address a rapidly growing population east of SH 130, Pflugerville ISD will be opening its 7th middle school, Bohls Middle School, and 22nd elementary school, Jessica Carpenter Elementary School. These two campuses will be located at the intersection of Weiss Lane and Pleasanton Parkway just south of Weiss High School and scheduled to open in the 2021-2022 school year. Pflugerville ISD will also open Elementary #23 in the 2022-2023 school year. 

With these changes, it is necessary to examine our existing school boundaries for all three new campuses and make the appropriate adjustments to ensure campus balancing and to honor feeder patterns for our middle and high school campuses. Adjusting boundaries can help maximize the use of school buildings in these areas. The new attendance boundaries will begin with the 2021-2022 school year for Jessica Carpenter Elementary School and Bohls Middle School. 

Pflugerville ISD staff began gathering information in Fall 2020 regarding boundary changes and will hold Parent/Community Information Sessions via Zoom in January. Through this boundary process for the two new campuses opening in Fall 2021, the District is considering restructuring the 2021-2022 attendance zones for:

  • Mott Elementary
  • Cele Middle
  • Dessau Middle School 
  • Kelly Lane Middle School
  • Park Crest Middle School 

Additionally, the district is considering restructuring attendance zones for 2022-2023 for:

  • Mott Elementary
  • Rowe Lane Elementary
  • Murchison Elementary
  • Riojas Elementary
  • Pflugerville Elementary
  • Brookhollow Elementary
  • Wieland Elementary
  • Ruth Barron Elementary
  • Weiss High School (Bohls Place residents)

An internal committee has been created to review existing boundaries, evaluate current and future campus needs, and look at future enrollment projections. At this time, there have been no definitive decisions made about any boundary changes. The committee will work together to generate potential boundary options. There will be multiple opportunities for public feedback and a board workshop to review boundaries to address campus capacity, align feeder patterns, and prepare for these new campuses' opening.   

Community Input Sessions

Previous Westview Middle School Principal Jorge Franco has been named principal for Bohls Middle School. Pflugerville ISD veteran administrator and most recently past principal of Murchison Elementary, Reese Weirich, has been named principal for Jessica Carpenter Elementary School.

Jessica Carpenter Elementary School will be able to house 850 students across 39 academic classrooms, six smaller classrooms, and fine arts facilities. Bohls Middle School will have a capacity of 1,200 students and feature 27 classrooms, nine science labs, fine arts facilities, career and technical education classrooms, two separate gyms, fine arts amenities, and an outdoor courtyard.  

Elementary #23 will have the same or very similar floor plan as Jessica Carpenter Elementary School. This campus has not been named yet and the principal has not yet been named for this new campus.

Please continue to check this website for additional updates and information. We look forward to being able to provide our community with updates as we continue to get them.